Jesus' New Order
Jesus absorbed every single human being
into Himself on the cross to create a new race of creatures in His
image. After the humans did everything they could think of to torment
and tempt Him to become angry, resentful and ungodly, the demons
continued the attack unseen inside of Him and God allowed the history
of every human being who ever or would ever live to pass into Jesus
the consequences of all their sins. Thus Jesus took into Himself the
full brunt of all the sins of the world and experienced the wages of
sin. He absorbed the full emotional pain that each of us feels at a
microscopic level even though just our own can overwhelm us.
This is why it required no less than
God Himself to be able to accomplish such a feat. For an angel or any
created being could never have the capacity of forgiveness and love
and compassion to finish absorbing such an enormous debt without
cracking under the strain and throwing in the towel. Only God Himself
had a large enough capacity and the intensity of passion sufficient
to absorb such a load of sin without falling victim to the temptation
to retaliate, to respond in kind.
This is the true message of the cross
that must become the center of our presentations of the gospel. This
is the good news of salvation, that God is for us even though sin and
the world is all about to destroy us. This is the mighty truth that
must uproot the errors that abound everywhere about what supposedly
happened at the cross. This is the glory that must fill the whole
earth with its light so that the final end of sin and suffering can
finally come. This is the glorious revelation of truth that we must
learn to rest in, reflecting the peace of God in our souls that
dispels all offenses and glows with the same passionate love that
flowed from the person of Jesus Christ.
This message must not be mingled with
common fire and false doctrines of demons about the cross. This is
the holy fire that must remain pure to accomplish its work in the
earth. Jesus came to bring a fire to the earth He said, and this
passion of God is that fire. It consumes all the lies that Satan has
been successfully been spreading about God, which is why Satan is
terrified we will catch hold of this fire. His influence is
annihilated every time anyone believes this truth about God and
allows it to enter into their innermost being and light their own
soul on fire for God.
This message must not be diluted by the
counterfeit message focused on legal solutions. And while it is true
that God has many times used legal language to try to reach our
darkened hearts, in these last days people must get beyond that
childish framework of arbitrary rewards and punishments and see the
transformational power in the true gospel of the cross in its purity.
I believe this is the pure gospel
message that will release the Holy Spirit to come into our hearts and
fill us with the the bold passion of God like we have never imagined
before. Until we get our heads straight on the real truth about the
cross our message will be diluted, amalgamated with false concepts of
God that paint Him still in dark hues and prevents the Holy Spirit
from endorsing our messages to the lost. So long as we continue to
cling to mixed messages about God's love for us in false teachings
about the cross, we cannot hope for the undiluted power of the Holy
Spirit to bless our efforts. God wants only His holy fire to burn in
our hearts, and the misrepresentations of God commonly promoted in
the legal models that we so often use, portray reasons for the cross
that distort the real gospel and diffuse the enormous power we should
be experiencing in our lives and our witness.
The clearer we become in our minds in
understanding this truth of a new race in Christ Jesus the better
success we will have in drawing others into embracing this experience
in their own lives. Jesus created a race of salvaged humanity by
absorbing all of the consequences of their sinful lives into Himself
on the cross. This was not a legal issue of punishment that had to be
satisfied so much as it was a practical requirement in order to
transition the human race out of its fallen condition into a whole
new reality to redeem them. The original human race was forever
ruined by Adam's fall, but because of God's passionate love for us He
had a plan whereby we were moved into another form of existence
through the creation of this new kind of creature that Jesus produced
in His humanity. The only requirement for any human being to
experience this new state of existence more fully is to believe that
it is true and to give God permission to be in charge of their heart.
Because every intelligent being in the universe is endowed with the
kingly power of personal choice, God will not force anyone to accept
this new creation experience. But Jesus took on the sins of the whole
world anyway to remove all excuses from every person for remaining in
the old order of existence.
It is totally up to each person to
choose whether they will accept the truth of Jesus absorbing all the
consequences of their own sins and the sins of everyone around them
that affects them. By choosing to believe that Jesus takes full
responsibility for every person's sins and thus becoming the
lightening rod for all the consequences of every sin, each person
then can begin to experience the reality of what it means to be a new
creature 'in Christ'. This theme of being 'in Christ' is repeated all
throughout the New Testament and even shows up the the prophecies of
the Old where God speaks of implanting a new heart and a new spirit
in all those who let Him.
We are not to receive a new
heart and spirit so that we can be empowered to achieve
holiness and produce righteousness to save us from a legal dilemma
with God. Rather, this new spirit and heart is what God is waiting
for every person to receive from Him in order to empower them to
function fully as the new creature after the order of what
Jesus created in His own humanity. This is the preparation necessary
to allow us to live in the holy presence of God's fire without being
In addition, the demonstration of this
experience is also necessary to satisfy the minds of intelligent
beings throughout the universe as related to the great rebellion.
This transformation needs to be seen to convince other unfallen
worlds and angels to view humans as safe enough to be integrated into
the society of heaven. In humanity's fallen state, all heaven knew
that sin would spread contagiously if humans were allowed out of
quarantine into their pure and innocent atmosphere. But by absorbing
into Himself all the contagion of sin while not allowing it to be
reproduced in His own spirit, as it has in every other human, Jesus
created a 'new human race', a new creature that would be available
for every fallen human being to experience who chose to believe in
His accomplishment for them. This new race of humans is a combination
of human and divine, different than the original creation of humans.
- To believe in Jesus means to rest in the truth of this reality provided for us at the cross.
- To believe in Jesus means to enter into His rest that can bring perfect peace in all circumstances.
- To believe in Jesus means to believe the truth about what He came to reveal about God.
- To believe in Jesus means to see God as totally trustworthy instead of living by the principles of the Tree of Good and Evil.
- To believe in Jesus means to cease striving to earn God's trust, choosing to believe that He has never held our offenses against us to start with. It means that we come to realize that in not trusting Him the problem is with our own hearts that need changing, not His attitude towards us.
- To believe in Jesus means to reject the lies about God that have infected all of our thinking through our fallen natures and see that these lies are what make us afraid and suspicious of Him.
- To believe in Jesus means to choose each day, each moment to allow His Spirit to guide us; to learn to listen to His Spirit's promptings. Then in appreciation for Jesus absorbing all our suffering and pain resulting from our sin, to then reflect His mindset in all our dealings with each other.
- To believe in Jesus is to believe with both our mind and our heart that we are new creatures in Christ Jesus, part of this new order. And in the believing of this truth its reality and power becomes unleashed in our lives and increasingly is evidenced in our outward experience. But we must never reverse that sequence or we will reintroduce the curse of backwards thinking that for so long has undermined the power of the gospel.
- To believe in Jesus is to allow His mind as described in Philippians 2, to be in us and to permeate all of our thinking, our relationships and our logic. This is a progressive experience but is the growing process we may have by continuing to embrace our new reality of being in Christ Jesus.
To be 'in Christ' means to believe and
know that Jesus absorbed us totally into Himself at the cross. Thus,
whenever we are tempted to take ownership of our own pain produced by
our sins we must turn and confess not only our sin to Him and embrace
His gift of repentance, but we must also give Him permission to keep
the consequences of that sin that He has already experienced for us
rather than allowing our sins to keep torturing us. This contradicts
much of what we are used to thinking and what is common in religion.
To be 'in Christ' means to believe that
Jesus also absorbed all the consequences of sin for every other human
being. This means that when anyone sins against us in any way that we
must remember that Jesus Himself has taken full responsibility for
them as well since He absorbed their sins too. Thus, when we are
tempted to take offense against someone who sins against us we will
realize that we are really taking offense at Jesus.
It is an extremely sobering realization
to be confronted with the fact that Jesus claims the right of
ownership over the consequences of the sins of everyone who has
offended us as well as our own sins. This removes all basis for
accusation, blame or seeking retribution against anyone who has
sinned against us. If we want to make a case about someone's offense
against us we have to first take it up with Jesus who died for that
sin because He absorbed their sins as well as ours. Now we begin to
realize that our desires for revenge are really directed toward Jesus
as well as the one who offended us.
This is where the gospel begins to cut
like a sword and can offend us deeply. When we realize the truth that
we no longer have any basis for taking offense against anyone because
of what Jesus did on the cross, we then find ourselves in a great
dilemma and may experience embarrassment when we begin to grasp that
all of our pandering for revenge or so-called 'justice' against those
who have offended us has already been absorbed by Jesus as their
substitute. For Jesus really did substitute Himself in the place of
every human being in the fallen race, absorbing them into Himself and
taking on full responsibility for each one so that there would be no
legitimate grounds for anyone to ever take offense again.
Do not speak against one another,
brethren. He who speaks against a brother or judges his brother,
speaks against the law and judges the law; but if you judge the law,
you are not a doer of the law but a judge of it. There is only one
Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and to destroy; but
who are you who judge your neighbor? (James 4:11-12)
When we begin to see this disturbing
truth in the light of heaven's perspective, our own guilt in taking
offense at anyone begins to emerge in its true ugliness. Jesus stated
explicitly that whatever we do to anyone, no matter how 'least' they
may appear in our eyes, we are doing it personally to Him. In saying
this He is speaking from the position of viewing every person
as being 'in Christ', whether they have accepted their 'saved'
position or at some point reject it and are finally lost. From our
perspective there can be no difference in the way we treat others in
the area of offenses, dependent on whether they are saved or lost,
for in heaven's eyes all humanity has been absorbed into Christ on
the cross whether they ever embrace that reality or not.
When we begin to take hold of this
truth of the gospel in its clarity with its implications, all of our
doctrines may necessarily need to be reexamined to see how they
integrate into this core reality. The Sabbath truth will be seen as
the rest in the joy experienced when one embraces the truth of being
'in Christ' rather than the great works trip that we have turned it
into. The Sabbath, far from being the ultimate test of how righteous
we have made ourselves and how loyal we can prove to be in the end
times, will instead become a signature act of celebration in the
lives of all who have embraced the truth of resting in Jesus'
finished work at the cross all the time. And what is that finished
work? It was the absorbing of all humanity – each individual person
with all their sins, their pain, their guilt, shame, fear – in
short, all the torture that sin produces in the life and heart of a
person. This is what Jesus experienced on the cross and what took His
life, not the nails or the whippings or the any other physical aspect
of that event.
There is nothing we can do to add to
the absorption of our sins into Jesus at the cross. To entertain any
notion that we can help God save us is the ultimate blasphemy. How
ridiculous to imagine that we can somehow add any righteousness in
our own lives to somehow impress God that we deserve some merit. Our
mistake has too long been in thinking that we live in a
punishment/reward system with God rather than the breakdown of trust
in Him that endangers our very existence. Our danger does not
come from an angry God waiting to punish those violating His
arbitrary rules; rather our danger comes from someday being exposed
to a love so intense that anyone resisting it will experience
feelings of such intense guilt and condemnation emanating from their
own misconceptions of His passion that their self torture will
ultimately destroy them in His presence.
We have long been afraid of the wrong
thing. We have too often thought that it is God we should be afraid
of while in reality it is living in resistance to His love (the true
definition of sin) that is the greatest threat to our existence.
Death is the wages of sin, not an imposition of God.
In reality death is not something that
exists to start with anyway. It is like many other words that we use
to describe the absence of something real.
Darkness is the absence of light, not
something in and of itself.
Cold is the absence of heat, not
something tangible of itself.
Evil is the absence of the goodness of
God, not an identifiable element of its own.
In the same way death is simply the
absence of life, not something in and of itself. And not even the
sleep that we call death here on earth is really the death that sin
produces in those who reject the life of God.
On the cross Jesus was the first to
ever experience the kind of death that God spoke of to Adam and Eve
when He warned them about the wages of sin. When our parents sinned
Jesus instantly began the absorbing of the consequences and also
granted them eternal life at the same time in exchange. The very fact
that they – and we – remained alive was living proof of God's
plan of salvation already at work. By absorbing the wages of the sins
of every human being into His soul and suffering both the death of
the body and the eternal kind of death that the lost will at last
experience, Jesus diffused the power of death to continue to
intimidate us. By encountering death and facing down all the fear
that it has wielded since sin began, the very Source of life Himself
overcame the power of death by showing that God cannot be intimidated
by it to react like sinners. He refused to ever take any offense or
to rebel. He rested in His Father's care and love just as He invites
us to rest in His care and love.
The story of the debtor in Matthew 18
reveals that the torture of sin follows the choice to not let go of
offenses. It is offenses that constitute the enormous debt that we
all owe and it is offenses that largely make up the currency of this
fallen planet. Even our national monetary system is completely based
on debt. At the end of this story Jesus reveals that when we choose
to continue to deal in the currency of debt and offenses when it has
been made clear to us that God is not playing that game with us, the
torture we will experience comes not from God but from the presence
of the offenses themselves that we are holding in our own hearts.
This is why Jesus made the sobering statement in the last verse that
torture is what all will experience who do not choose to forgive
others from the heart.
The king in this story absorbed the
full debt that this slave owed to Him and released Him from all
responsibility to repay it. That debt was never reinstated by the
king, but because the slave himself refused to move into the reality
of the forgiveness announced to him, he entered into the torture that
all experience who choose to live outside of Christ and insist that
the old order of humans is where they prefer to remain.
For if we go on sinning willfully
after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a
sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying expectation of judgment and THE
The only alternative to living in the
glorious grace of constant forgiveness is the life of fear,
foreboding and condemnation. There is no other alternative. Each one
of us has to choose which belief system we will live under; which
view of humanness we will choose to believe is our own. The results
of what we choose to believe will determine our eternal destiny so it
is vitally important that we understand the issues and options we
have before us and not just rely on a church or a teacher or preacher
to tell us what to do.
"Now then," Joshua
continued, "honor the LORD and serve him sincerely and
faithfully. Get rid of the gods which your ancestors used to worship
in Mesopotamia and in Egypt, and serve only the LORD. If you are not
willing to serve him, decide today whom you will serve, the gods your
ancestors worshiped in Mesopotamia or the gods of the Amorites, in
whose land you are now living. As for my family and me, we will serve
the LORD." (Joshua 24:14-15 GNB)
Explore the verses speaking of sons of
God. In Job the sons of God are the representatives of the worlds.
Adam has died so Satan takes his place. Adam is listed as the son of
God in Luke 3. Now we can see why Jesus called Himself both the son
of man and the Son of God. It is more than just emphasizing His
divinity but maybe even more so to emphasize that fact that He is
replacing Adam as the representative of this world. That is why He
became human – to both absorb the human race into Himself and to be
qualified to be fully identified with them to be their rightful
representative in the councils of heaven.
Research why it is so important why
this Jesus human remains alive forever. We don't want another
transition of representation like what we suffered through the first
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