Space of Grace 2
"As for Me, behold, I will
harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they will go in after
them; and I will be honored through Pharaoh and
all his army, through his chariots and his horsemen. "Then the
Egyptians will know that I am the LORD, when
I am honored through Pharaoh, through his chariots and his
horsemen." (Exodus 14:17-18)
When Israel saw the great power
which the LORD had used against the Egyptians, the people feared
the LORD, and they believed in the LORD and in
His servant Moses. (Exodus 14:31)
But there is another problem
immediately following this. Actually a lot of problems. Evidently
when the Israelites looked on the bodies of the many soldiers washed
up on the beach the next morning, they decided to relieve the corpses
of their weapons and appropriate the them for their own use. But was
that what God had in mind for them to do? Was that the message that
they were supposed to take away from the stupendous event that had
just taken place in their deliverance? Or was it rather a most
unexpected testing of their fledgling faith that caught them off
balance and caused far more problems than they thought they were
going to solve?
In my opinion, indulging in the
temptation to pick up all those weapons of war was a huge mistake,
for in doing so they were taking up the weapons of Satan's kingdom,
reliance on force and coercion for self-defense which acted to lessen
their dependence on God rather than to strengthen it. You see,
weapons of this world are used to impose control over others, not to
increase dependence on God. If you notice in the ensuing stories,
they became repeatedly involved in fighting wars using weapons of
destruction rather than increasing their trust in God's protection
for them that had been clearly demonstrated in this mighty act of
deliverance at the Red Sea.
In addition to falling for the
temptation to pick up the many weapons of Pharaoh's army, they also
gravitated toward a life of living under Law instead of a life of
Grace. And why was this? There are many ways to look at this and I
believe traditionally we have failed to examine this in the light of
the real truth about God as revealed in Christ. But again, let me
remind you of the verse quoted above.
For the Law was given through Moses;
grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ. (John 1:17)
Moses is nearly synonymous with the
concept of Law. Remember that Moses' own mindset was largely shaped
not only by his training under God for 40 years in the wilderness
after he fled from Egypt, but his thinking had also been formed
through years of training in the courts of Egypt which had to be
largely reversed by his training in the wilderness. Yet Moses, even
though he was a close friend of God and was said to be the most
humble man (besides Jesus) to walk the earth according to the Bible,
still did not fully appreciate the full truth about God's character
like God wants those in these last days to know and experience it.
If we are unwilling to move into a
deeper and more intimate knowledge of God, past what even Moses came
to know, then we will not be fully fitted to live successfully as
faithful witnesses through the times of testing that are about to
come on the whole world at the end of history.
God allowed the history of His people
to take the course that it did partly because Moses and the people
whom he led moved into the mindset of legal thinking and a legal
relationship with God. I believe the evidence reveals that they
missed a golden opportunity they could have taken through
appreciation of their experience of grace just provided in their
dramatic deliverance from Egypt. But because they viewed this event,
just as we still do today, as God favor of one group of people over
another by saving some while killing others, this view of God and the
ensuing assumptions naturally led them down the path toward a
performance-based righteousness instead of moving deeper into total
dependence on God's grace, love and mercy.
Pharaoh drowned in the Red Sea, not
because God hated him and wanted to kill him there, but because he
made the foolish choice to move into a place of extreme danger
provided by the grace of God while refusing to have that very grace
change his own heart and attitudes toward the God who was holding
back those waters. If the Israelites had understood, believed and
embraced this view instead of thinking that they were better than the
Egyptians; if they had rejected the notion that God was a God of war
rather than mercy, they might have responded differently a few weeks
later to the giving of the Ten Commandments. They might have
acknowledged their complete inability to live up to that perfect
declaration of perfect righteousness, confessed their true condition
of weakness and turned away from the temptation to insist they could
obey all they had been told. Then God could have immediately brought
them into the New Covenant relationship with Himself and history
might have been rapidly abbreviated. At least that is what could have
happened in my opinion.
But that is not what happened, and God
respected their choice to go the route of Law-keeping instead of
embracing the same grace that had just delivered them from the hand
of Pharaoh. The tragic results as recorded by history proves the
utter failure of this course of thinking. And sadly we are still
repeating that same mistake repeatedly yet today. When will we begin
to learn that we cannot save ourselves by our own efforts and that
attempting to use the techniques and methods of the enemy cannot
promote the kingdom of heaven?
Now we know that whatever the Law
says, it speaks to those who are under the Law, so that every mouth
may be closed and all the world may become accountable to God;
because by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified in His
sight; for through the Law comes the knowledge of sin.
(Romans 3:19-20)
Pharaoh died in the Sea, not because
God condemned him and chose to kill him, but because Pharaoh thought
he could presume on the grace of God and get away with it yet again.
But what he did not take into account, and what many today still fail
to take into account, is that grace is supernatural intervention
preventing the natural effects of the principles of reality
that God has created from having their full affect in our lives.
Grace is what prevents all of us from suffering the natural
consequences of sin in our lives. Sin always leads toward death; it
is not God who imposes death. However, when we refuse to come into
alignment with the principles God has put in place and we continually
spurn the Spirit of grace offered to us by God to deliver us from the
mindset of Egypt, God will at last respect our choice and will
withdraw His Spirit that has been holding back the natural powers of
the underlying principles of reality that function by cause and
effect. He will at last, but with intense sadness and grief, finally
allow us to experience the wages of sin which ultimately and always
ends in death.
Notice in this next passage how God's
commandment is not the problem. If we perceive the commandment of God
as a term describing the natural 'laws' or principles that God has
provided as the foundation upon which everything operates, it begins
to make much more sense in our thinking.
So then, the Law is holy, and the
commandment is holy and righteous and good. Therefore did that which
is good become a cause of death for me? May it never be! Rather it
was sin, in order that it might be shown to be sin by effecting my
death through that which is good, so that through the commandment sin
would become utterly sinful. (Romans 7:12-13)
It occurs to me that the waters of the
Red Sea in this story, and the fires of hell are strikingly similar.
In both cases it is the condition of our own heart that determines
the outcome of how we will fare when we come into that most intense
space of grace. For grace not only works to suspend
temporarily the consequences of natural laws, but grace is also a
description of what God is like and the very essence of His being.
God is gracious, kind, forbearing,
forgiving and compassionate. God never quits being these things by
running out of patience and suddenly becoming vicious toward those
who reject His love. But He does respect those who so fully resist
the intended purpose of His attributes – to draw us to repentance
and then to restore us to our original design of full synchronization
with His heart and character – that they destroy all capacity for
reconciliation. When the resistors of His mercy go past the point of
no return, not in God's mind but because they have destroyed all
spiritual capacity to repent, then God allows his natural laws to
return things to their state of normality. Then it will be clearly
seen what are the natural consequences for presuming on God's grace
and mercy, and like with Pharaoh sin will take its final toll.
and the sea returned to
its normal state at daybreak, while the Egyptians were
fleeing right into it;
This is exactly
what will transpire at the end of time, in the final day of Judgment.
This event in history is a microcosm of what happens again and again
in smaller judgment situations until the sin problem is fully exposed
and extinguished at that last day of final judgment. (Remember, the
meaning of judgment is to expose what is hidden deep inside.) Whether
it is with water as in the days of Noah or the demise of Pharaoh, or
at the last day when the fiery presence of God is revealed first at
the Second Coming of Christ and then a little over a thousand years
later on the final day of Judgment; God's presence and grace will
prove to be the destruction of all those who resist the power of
perfect love.
Many struggle with
the thought that in any way agape love could ever be associated with
causing pain, suffering and death. But this is because we have such
immature perceptions about the nature of love as well as the nature
of sin. We also do not appreciate enough the centrality of the issue
of personal freedom, while people on both sides of these issues argue
endlessly over God's perceived fairness, justice and mercy. Yet we
must be willing to allow all of our opinions to be open to serious
modification or even replacement as God's Spirit leads us forward
into a greater understanding through increased revelations of more
profound truth than what we have yet observed.
As I read over this
story again something caught my attention in regards to the
connection between this story and the Bible's description of how sin
will at last be completely eliminated. Take a look at the
similarities between these two passages.
Thus the LORD saved Israel that day
from the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the
Egyptians dead on the seashore. (Exodus 14:30)
"For just as the new heavens
and the new earth which I make will endure before Me," declares
the LORD, "so your offspring and your name will endure. And it
shall be from new moon to new moon and from sabbath to sabbath, all
mankind will come to bow down before Me," says the LORD. "Then
they will go forth and look on the corpses of the men who
have transgressed against Me. For their worm will not die
and their fire will not be quenched; and they will be an abhorrence
to all mankind." (Isaiah
We must be willing
to challenge and reexamine our definitions of the terms that we are
using in order to better align them with fresh revelations about God
and away from the assumed but misleading inferences they have taken
on over the centuries. I am discovering that tradition and religion
and even our own mistaken assumptions have darkened our thinking
extensively. We must be willing to be more open, to be humble and
teachable and yet to maintain our perceptions of God's character and
His reputation above reproach in everything we promote and teach
about Him.
It is all too easy
to think we are defending God while in reality we may only be
defending our own ideas and presumptions about Him. Even those with
very advanced perceptions of the truth about Him are in danger of
this trap, maybe even more so. Sin is extremely deceptive and
insinuates itself into the thinking of every human being infected by
its influence genetically. That is why it is imperative that we
remain flexible and pliable under the sweet influence of God's Spirit
as He continues to reshape our perceptions to more closely resemble
and reflect the beautiful truth about who He really is.
importantly though, we must guard our own spirit
and keep open to the convictions of the Spirit of God about the ways
we present the truths we are learning about Him. Sadly, one of the
most successful schemes of the enemy of our souls is to infect our
spirit with a spirit foreign to the very truths about God that we are
learning with our mind. If Satan can get us to become proud, even in
our knowledge about God; if he can cause us to become aggressive or
defensive or impatient or any other ungodly attribute while at the
same time promoting truthful facts about God that we are discovering,
then the lack of congruity between what we are saying and how our
spirit comes across will only negate everything we are trying to
share with others about God. This is one of the greatest dangers that
I see among those who are discovering exciting insights about God's
true character.
But an hour is coming, and now is,
when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit
and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His
worshipers. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in
spirit and truth.
(John 4:23-24)
It is no where near
enough to simply assemble factual truths about God, facts about how
wonderful His character is and how loving He is toward His enemies,
if our own spirit is not becoming saturated and transformed by that
very grace we are seeking to teach to others. I speak this not just
from observation of this taking place in other lives (of course that
is easier to see), but tragically in my own experience as well. All
too often I find my own spirit out of sync with the very truths I am
sharing with others.
It is at those
times that I feel the quiet but persistent conviction of the Holy
Spirit alerting me that I need to check my spirit, that I am in need
of humbling myself and to be more thoroughly transformed and healed
by the same grace that I am seeking to tell others about. If I fail
to listen and submit to that conviction my message loses its power
for good and actually becomes false testimony. If my own heart and
spirit is not being changed by the truths I am sharing with others,
then what hope will that give others of experiencing any change for
their lives if it cannot change my life enough to heal my spirit?
It is
clear from Scripture that it is not a head knowledge of the truth
that saves us at last, but a real transformation of both
heart and mind. That is what Jesus was speaking of when He talked
about worship in both spirit and truth. Salvation is the process of
resynchronizing us back into complete harmony with the natural
principles, or what is often termed laws, of the universe as God
designed us to live. I am starting to see that this particularly
applies to my spirit and disposition even more than to my
intellectual beliefs. This is why so many will be lost while fully
expecting to be saved, because they presumed that having all the
facts of truth figured out and getting their act together through
obedience to all of God's commands was what God expected from them.
the Bible teaches us that far more than simply getting our facts
straight, what is most important is an intimate, personal knowledge
of God that only can save us, not a head knowledge truth. The kind of
knowledge referred to in relation to salvation is the same word used
in Genesis where Adam knew
his wife Eve and the result was that they had a baby. If Adam had
only known Eve like many of us think we know God expecting to be
saved, Adam and Eve would still be waiting to have a baby from that
kind of knowledge. Likewise, if we are not willing to go far deeper
in our intimacy with God so that the natural outcome results in the
formation of a new life in Christ within us, we too will still be
waiting for something to transpire when the day of judgment reveals
the shallowness of our religion.
On that day many will say to me,
'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in
your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?' Then I will
declare to them, 'I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers.'
(Matthew 7:22-23 NRSV)
Jesus answeredo harden my heart against Your warnings and rebukes like Pharaoh
did. Rather, give me a new heart and a right spirit so that as I pass
through the waters they will not overwhelm me but will rather fill me
with amazement and joy at the wonders of Your love and the power of
Your grace.Glorify Your name in my life and in the lives of all those
with whom I am connected so that Your glory will more quickly fill
the whole earth as You have said it will do.
Thank-you for what You are
increasingly revealing about Yourself. Thank-you for the amazing
revelations about who You really are that are pouring out
increasingly on those carefully studying Your Word with open minds
and hearts. Thank-you most of all for the Spirit that You have given
to lead us into all truth, not just head knowledge about You. And
most of all, thank-you for what You are doing to heal and restore and
make alive the heart that You have placed in me. I trust Your love
that is working within me as I watch in amazement how Your love is
transforming me, even if I am so slow. Cleanse me of all resistance
to Your love in me so that Your restoration process can progress and
others can be attracted more intently as they see how radical Your
love really is. Thank-you Jesus.
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