Is God Your Problem?
What is your basic problem?
Sometimes this is an exclamation of
frustration with someone who irritates us. But at a far deeper level
this is a question that must be answered by every person regarding
how they relate to their eternal existence. Our beliefs about the
real root issue in our problem of sin affect and shape our opinions
about salvation and determine how we answer this question for
As I currently see it, there are two
ways of answering this question – other than attempting to live in
denial that God even exists. Either I will believe that God is my
problem who must be placated in order for me to be saved, or my own
choices, beliefs and resulting behaviors are out of alignment with
the principles of cause and effect created by God to serve as the
undergirding of all of creation.
This is not just an exercise to discuss
religion or philosophy. Rather this is a vitally important question
with the potential to clarify what direction we are headed whether we
like to admit it or not.
Over recent years I have been coming to
realize that most of my life has been spent living in fear because I
believed that God was my problem. But if God actually is my problem,
intuitively I find it extremely difficult if not impossible to
spontaneously love Him from my heart. At the same time I have been
instructed that I am supposed to love God with all my heart, soul,
mind and spirit and to love my neighbor as myself or else I will be
in trouble with God. This brings me back to the original question –
is God the basic problem I have to deal with in order to rectify what
is wrong in my life?
There are infinite variations of
opinions that all fall under this category of believing that God is
the problem that must be resolved in order for one to be saved. I am
familiar with many of them but don't find it particularly helpful to
dwell on them at length. What I am coming to learn however is that
the truth about my problem with sin is my resistance to embracing
that God is far better than I ever dared to imagine and my real
problem is my denial of personal responsibility for resisting that
When sin first gained access into the
hearts of humans on this planet, the very first symptom of mental
illness that showed up was fear and distrust of God. But immediately
following was the practice of blaming. Blaming and shaming others are
sure signs that distrust and fear towards God are controlling the
heart of a person. When we move away from believing that God loves
us, cares for us deeply and can be fully trusted to provide
everything we need at all times, the immediate reaction is to step
into the gap to attempt to provide for our needs and our own
happiness by relying on other means and sources. But in doing so we
activate counterfeit principles that result in all sorts of
dysfunction, pain, fear, dissonance, broken relationships and
ultimately death. Yet even while all these things may help us sense
something is wrong in our lives, we still want to believe our
problems are the fault of someone other than us, so we conjure up all
kinds of explanations as to why we cannot feel at peace.
Blaming, scape-goating, accusing and
any number of variations of the same attitude are indicators that we
are living in denial of reality as God designed it. God created
fundamental principles that operate in cause and effect that cannot
be overturned, revoked or ignored without dire results. But these
negative encounters are not imposed by God but rather are a natural
result of our own choices to violate underlying principles of
reality. When we resist believing that the negative consequences we
experience are natural effects caused by our own choices and honestly
no one else can be blamed for our choices, we feel compelled to
invent alternative explanations for what is happening in our lives in
order to appear to retain some semblance of sanity and reason.
I don't know how to effectively convey
the extreme importance I feel of the need of grasping this truth.
Understanding the difference between these opposing ways of viewing
reality is to comprehend the difference between darkness and light,
truth and error, life and death. Little is more central than coming
to perceive that when one continues to believe that God is somehow at
least part of our problem, we choose to allow a deadly lie of Satan
to distort our perceptions of reality as God designed it. The result
of all such thinking is that we continue to live in fear or think
that God does not care about us so we need to find ways to live and
thrive without Him to one degree or another.
This is the fundamental problem of sin,
for the roots of sin did not originate because someone offended God
by breaking imposed laws. Rather, sin resulted when a brilliant,
perfect being called Lucifer, one who had by design been the
prominent conveyer of the truth about God to all the rest of the
universe, chose to entertain untrue speculations about God, notions
that God might somehow be selfish in some way because He had created
all beings to worship Him and His Son.
What Lucifer did not take into account
was the fact that created beings by design need to worship their
Creator in order to be fulfilled, happy and function fully in their
appointed places in God's great circuit of life. God has designed
that all creatures need to participate in this circuit of love and
life, part of which involves this great concert of praise. Each one
receives life and love from God either directly and/or through
various other channels all designed to keep them connected in the
circuit of life. By receiving life and love for the purpose of
passing it along to others, gratitude, praise and glory are generated
as by-products that in turn are to be offered directly back to God
along with appreciation to those through whom they received some of
His life.
By presuming that he could redesign
God's circuit and could insert himself into a position where he might
also receive worship like the Son enjoyed, Lucifer dissonance was
created for the very first time disrupting the beautiful symphony of
praise and worship of God. Thus began what has since turned into a
cacophony of jarring suffering, disillusionment, mayhem and death
that has unsettled the entire universe and threatened the government
of God.
Created beings everywhere were affected
by this attempted coup of God's throne as Lucifer, then turned Satan
the accuser, perpetuated and intensified myriads of lies about God's
character undermining confidence of created beings and disrupting the
beautiful circuit of life and love.
The lies Satan has effectively used to
subvert all who accepted them involve doubts about how God feels
towards them and particularly those who resist cooperating with His
will for their lives. When the highest authority of a government is
under suspicion from charges involving His integrity, it becomes
difficult for Him to govern effectively, especially if that
government wants to operate based solely on the trust of those under
its authority.
By slandering God's reputation Satan
has effectively aroused doubt about God's integrity. And one of the
most diabolical and subtle ways which he has brought this about is
through redefining how we perceive God's method of governing. By
getting us to presume that God runs His government like selfish
people operate ours here on this earth, we blame God for most if not
all the problems we see in our world because we assume that these
problems result from improper or ineffective control or even
irresponsible choices on the part of the One in charge. “If God is
so power and loving, then why....?”
There is an even more subtle deception
that has blinded us purported by Satan. By leading us to believe the
government of God is run on similar law contructs like we use,
believing that at least some of God's laws are arbitrary and imposed
and thus have to be enforced by God, Satan has led us to believe that
God's government functions like our governments do, through
impositions of punishments whenever rules are disobeyed or
enticements of rewards to encourage compliance. But this assumes that
God's laws are artificial rather than natural principles of cause and
effect that need no outside enforcements.
This view of God's government is one of
the most subtle ways in which we have been deceived. By seducing our
first parents into embracing this fundamental shift in their view of
reality, humanity became infected with the notion that God is at
least in some ways arbitrary and therefore is obligated to enforce
His rules arbitrarily. Yet this obscures the very design of reality
as God created it and denies the foundational truth that all
of God's laws involve natural principles that operate as cause and
effect and need no externally imposed reinforcement.
When this is clearly seen and embraced,
we can then begin to appreciate more clearly the real issues in the
war over God's method of governing and His character and how we are
designed to fit into the circuit of life. We will also discover that
what we have presumed about our own problems and bad things that
happen to us are actually very different than what we have long
presumed. By simply coming to see that God operates His government
relying on the synchronizing principles that govern reality instead
of using artificial means to control His subjects as we do here on
earth, we can then begin to experience more fully the freedom and
peace that truth brings and will find ourselves healing from the
distortions, deceptions and confusion we have suffered under for so
Believing lies about how God runs His
government produces distrust of God's heart. The entire plan of
salvation revolves around dispelling the distrust that has been
created in the minds and hearts of beings everywhere brought on by
the lying insinuations and accusations of His chief protagonist
Satan. All the malfunction, dissonance and ill-effects experienced
anywhere in the universe result from choices to live out of harmony
with God's natural principles that define and govern reality. God
does not need to impose sentences of punishment or impose punishments
artificially; He only needs to allow the natural effects of
underlying principles to function as designed. This is the design
that is counterfeited in the way we run our systems here in this
The very fact that we are kept alive
while out of harmony with so many of the natural laws that govern
reality is evidence of God's forbearance, love and grace. This should
awaken a deeper appreciation in our hearts for Him. God is never our
problem. All the problems we have result from either our own choices
– some from ignorance and others from rebellion – or the choices
of other free beings around us who likewise act in either rebellion
or ignorance of natural principles. Yet in all of our malfunction God
constantly intervenes to preserve us from fully experiencing the
effects that would be inevitable without His protection.
The truth of reality is that God's love
is absolutely pure and untainted with selfishness in any way. God
does not stoop to manipulation or desire control to dominate us. His
authority resides in the appreciation of those who choose to live in
trust that He has their best interest in mind and is fully
trustworthy to never abuse His power. God intends to run the entire
universe on the basis of trust, love and freedom alone. But more
amazingly He intends to win the war against His government that use
intimidation, force and fear by relying solely on His original
methods all the way to the end. This is the only way to achieve full
perfection and safety for the kind of government He desires for
eternity, for any indulgence on His part to use methods of His enemy
at any time would create an opening for the infection of selfishness
and fear to reenter His universe.
The purity of God and of all those who
live in His presence and submit to His authority is a purity of
motive. We tend to think of purity only in terms of morality or
sexuality, but this misses the real issue. Purity is primarily about
agape love, the absolute absence of any trace of selfishness on the
part of the One who rules the entire universe. It is this truth that
must become prominent in our thinking so as to bring us back into
alignment with the circuit of life and love as God designed it. Then
we can be reconnected into our proper places in that circuit,
receiving love and life and joy from those around us and with that
creating praise and honor and glory to offer directly back to God,
the originator of all life.
It is the lies of sin that lead us to
think that God is in any way complicit in the cause of our problems
or is looking for reasons to punish us. This is the message we
have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light and in him
there is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5)
Darkness involves false notions about God being the source of any of
our problems or having anything remotely like selfishness. Jesus came
to this earth as God's representative to dispel any and all such
notions. By allowing our selfishness to be exposed in the reactions
that sinful beings had to such intense selfless love all the way to
the point of torturing and killing God Himself, the cross serves as
the tipping point that will serve for eternity to ensure the security
of God's government from any recurrence of doubts about His integrity
or questions about the purity of His passionate love for His
Jesus stated plainly in John 3 that God
only loves the world and has no intention or desire to condemn it.
Paul tells us that Jesus in His death condemned sin in the flesh, but
He never condemns sinners. God's love is constant, consistent and
irrepressible. God is not our problem – ever. It is our distrust
and unbelief in God's kind of love that produces all the problems of
Sin is primarily distrust and unbelief
of the real truth about what is in God's heart. Sin/distrust in God
results in fear of loss, and if it were true that God was the way He
has been portrayed to be by His enemies there would be legitimate
reason to be afraid. If God withdrew His love and life because of our
offenses then the presumptions we operate under could be valid. But
our feelings and fallen natures are infected with lies about Him that
must not be believed at the risk of our lives. God is not like we
think He is but rather is exactly like Jesus. And that is the good
news of the gospel. God is not our problem, so there is no reason to
distrust Him or be afraid to come to Him for healing and
What then are we to say about these
things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not withhold
his own Son, but gave him up for all of us, will he not with him also
give us everything else? (Romans 8:31-32)
All this is from God, who reconciled
us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of
reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to
himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting
the message of reconciliation to us. So we are ambassadors for
Christ, since God is making his appeal through us; we entreat you on
behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. (2 Corinthians 5:18-20)
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