Recieving Wisdom know that the testing of your
faith produces endurance; and let endurance have its full effect, so
that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing. If any of
you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to
all generously and ungrudgingly,
and it will be given you. But ask in faith,
never doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea,
driven and tossed by the wind; for the doubter, being
double-minded and unstable in every way, must not
expect to receive anything from the Lord. (James
This verse has kept coming into my mind
repeatedly of late. My attention keeps being drawn to the specific
words highlighted above as key to understanding, appreciating and
most importantly experiencing the promise embedded in this passage of
receiving wisdom.
Do I need more wisdom? That's a given
and hardly needs expressing. But then again, expression is a form of
admission which is an important part of deepening a relationship
through honesty. Without getting real first it is impossible to
progress very far in a healthy relationship with anyone. So admitting
my need, my inadequacy, my true condition and lack of wisdom is a
vital first step toward connecting with and experiencing the
life-giving power of God in His gospel. Another word that
encapsulates this is the word confession which simply means
'to agree with'. God knows everything, but to synchronize with Him
and enter the process of restoration into a vital relationship with
Him, I must start by agreeing with His assessment of the problems
that continue to reinforce any rift between us.
This passage is part of James'
discussion about the role of trials in the life of a Christ-follower.
He leads us to see trials as opportunities to develop in maturity and
to develop stability of character. Trials are not punishments to
avoid but rather experiences that tend to expose areas of our heart
and character that often need adjusting. Of course growth cannot
happen in our lives without our cooperation, thus the inclusion of
awareness of what is really going on is vital to help us cooperate
with God's lesson plan for us. This is where our need arises to
receive wisdom and discernment from God in order to better align our
perceptions with the way God views our situation and the plans He has
regarding us.
James picks up again and explains more
about the nature of this wisdom from God in chapter 3 where he
unpacks more clearly the kind of wisdom God wants to give us:
Who is wise and understanding
among you? Show by your good life that your
works are done with gentleness born of wisdom.
But if you have bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do
not be boastful and false to the truth. Such
wisdom does not come down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual,
devilish. For where there is envy and selfish ambition, there will
also be disorder and wickedness of every kind. But the wisdom
from above is first pure, then
peaceable, gentle, willing
to yield, full of mercy and
good fruits, without a trace of partiality or
hypocrisy. (James 3:13-17)
The parts of these passages that have
impressed themselves on me most intensely of recent are the
complementary words in chapter 1 that pair to each other in verses 5
and 7. In verse 5 James clearly says that God is a giver of
wisdom and if we ask for it, wisdom will be given to us (also
in an interesting way, and I want to also touch on before I am done
here). Then in verse 7 the complement of God's 'givingness' we see
its counterpart in our need to receive what we have requested.
Some years ago it began emerging in my
awareness that the problem we so often encounter when we fail to
experience the wisdom we ask for of God, is due entirely to our own
lack of reception and in no way is to be blamed on any lack of
release or provision on God's part. If I do not receive the wisdom I
ask for from God, according to James, it is due to my own condition
of double-mindedness and unbelief, the same mindset that prevented
the disciples from receiving so much that Jesus had been offering
them throughout His entire time with them on earth. Because of their
confused and even contradictory ideas about what God was like, they
were unable to effectively appreciate or receive the enormous
resources of wisdom that was readily available to them for three and
a half years.
I recall the words of Jesus after His
resurrection making a stunning offer that used to puzzle me a great
deal. When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them,
"Receive the Holy Spirit." (John
20:22)Yet there is no record of them receiving that offer until
nearly two months later. We need to grasp the importance of receiving
as related to God's giving. It was not until Jesus had
returned to heaven and the stubborn, proud, self-focused disciples
finally humbled themselves and allowed the teachings of Jesus to go
much deeper into their hearts that they began to appreciate and
actually embrace the wisdom of God. Only then were they ready to
receive the Spirit of God that would empower them to publicly display
the true glory of God that Jesus had offered them previously.
Unfortunately we find ourselves in a
similar condition as were Jesus' disciples before their willingness
to humble themselves and get real before Pentecost. It is no lack of
desire on God's part that prevents us from experiencing the power of
His Spirit in our lives or have the wisdom of God in our hearts and
minds. Rather, it is our unwillingness to embrace the real truth
about what God is like and how He feels about us, revealed clearly in
the compelling revelation of God in Jesus while on this earth. So
long as we cling to similar dark views of God as those cherished by
the disciples and their religious systems that prevented them from
seeing the true kingdom Jesus was setting up, we too will lack wisdom
and may often blame God for not giving it to us. We must realize that
the true cause of this disconnect is purely our own resistance
against allowing Jesus to our false perceptions about God with the
glorious truth that is revealed through Jesus enlightenment of our
minds and by healing our hearts.
When James speaks of double-mindedness,
he refers to our penchant of believing contradictory things about God
simultaneously. Yet this is like trying to drive a car by pushing
hard on both the accelerator and the brake pedals at the same time.
The result will not be a smooth ride but rather enormous frustration
at best and ultimately damage to the vehicle. Jesus warns us in
Revelation that it would be better that we were either hot or cold,
not double-minded. James insists that unless we get our foot off the
brake and embrace the real and only truth about God as it is in Jesus
– the truth about His goodness, unconditional love and forgiveness
as most clearly demonstrated during the closing hours of His life on
earth – it will remain impossible for us to receive the kind of
wisdom that is from above.
Mingling dark views of God with the
glorious light of truth that is often too bright for us to be willing
to accept, results in a mind trapped in contradictory and
incompatible beliefs and a heart locked in fear. So long as we remain
in this disabling mindset we will find it impossible to embrace the
plain truth that James points out here – that God is generous and
that there is absolutely no shame, reviling, suspicion, denigration
or implied threats on the part of God connected with His desire to
give us the wisdom we need. Again, it is never a lack of desire or
willingness on the part of God that prevents us from having the
wisdom He longs to gives us far more than we desire it ourselves. If
we fail to receive the wisdom we need from God, it is either
that we failed to even ask for it to start with, or our conflicting
opinions about Him lock us inside so that we are incapable of
accepting what He is generously offering us.
When James says, the doubter...must
not expect to receive anything from the Lord,
in no way is he suggesting that God is unwilling to give us wisdom as
requested. Our lack of reception is entirely due to our mindset, in
our resistance to believe in the consistent goodness, generosity,
kindness and unconditional love of the Giver creating a condition in
our mind disabling us from being able to accept the gift we need most
apart from how much we may need or want it. This is the curse of
The true message in
the parable of the ungrateful debtor by Jesus comes to mind at this
point. If the original debtor in this story (located at the end of
Matthew 18) had believed and accepted the unconditional forgiveness
given by his master in the story, he not only could have immediately
experienced overwhelming peace and joy, he would have never felt
compelled to abuse anyone else he imagined owed him something. Likely
the funds he had loaned the second servant originated in what he
himself had borrowed to start with, so the forgiveness extended to
him eliminating permanently his own debt would, by extension,
have applied equally to everyone he thought was indebted to him.
parable (that is often tragically misinterpreted) actually teaches
the very opposite about God and about judgment from what most people
presume it conveys. A careful examination of this story reveals that
not only did the master never withdraw his forgiveness of the
obscenely large debt owed to himself, but actually reiterated his
forgiveness again. The horrific outcome experienced by the stubborn
debtor was not one imposed
on him by the master but rather was the natural
result of his own choice to repay the debt himself and reject the
truth that he was really forgiven freely. The torture he was now
doomed to experience was not imposed on him by an offended master
punishing him for his debt or how he had treated the second debtor;
rather, cherished lies in his own heart destined him to experience
the internal torture of a condemning conscience that is always a
result of resistance to the truth about God when one is brought into
close proximity to the presence of true forgiving love.
seeks to clarify the real cause of the problem so many of us
experience, that of not receiving what we want, need or request from
God. The debtor in the above parable needed to be free of his
oppressive debt, yet he refused the very relief provided because he
resisted humbling himself to accept
unconditional forgiveness. His problem then was not that he remained
or returned to being unforgiven, but rather that he failed to
receive, believe and bask in the forgiveness that was a permanent
too often our reactions to unanswered prayer requests is to assume
negative things about God, to imagine that God is at least part of
our problem because He must be withholding what we want for some
reason. Maybe He is seeking to manipulate us into doing something He
wants from us in exchange for giving us what we ask from Him.
Tragically this commercial view of God is part of the deep infection
of self-ambition permeating the human race ever since our first
parents doubted God's generosity and embraced lies suggested by the
enemy. We now imagine that our relation to God is dictated by earning
and deserving rather than unconditional love, grace and forgiveness.
Like the proud debtor in the story of Jesus, determined to pay back
what he owed rather than embracing unconditional forgiveness, we feel
we must somehow do something
in order to leverage God to give us something in return. But God is
not interested in a commercial relationship with His children and
will never allow such shallow thinking to interfere with His desire
to relate to us as family instead of business clients.
These same lies
still haunt us today and largely remain the cause of our inability to
accept many things we need and request from God. Unbelief in the pure
goodness of God as revealed in Jesus (in contrast to the goodness
purported by the 'other' tree in the garden) is the sole cause why we
often fail to obtain wisdom we so desperately need in order to
benefit from trials and suffering in our life.
As these thoughts
have been circulating in my mind the past few weeks, deepening their
impression in my own heart, I have found myself asking God for wisdom
as I realize my lack of it. At the same time I am asking God to
remove my own doubts about His generosity as well as to expose even
deeper subtle hidden lies in me that cause me to feel that if He
gives me wisdom there are strings attached. These fears that God
might exploit me in some way lie at the very core of sins' roots deep
within my subconscious and keep sabotaging my ability to fully rest
in His love for me. Yet as the Spirit prompts me to challenge these
life-long lies and to allow the light of the true glory of God to
expose and expel them, I can choose to focus on the light God brings
to me exposing my false fears as well as to replace fear with trust
in His healing love and truth.
Even as I write
these words and seek to articulate what is emerging in my own mind in
real time here, I am experiencing waves of emotion and relief as His
healing love moves like physical waves through my body. The true
gospel is indeed a transforming truth that has unlimited power to
affect not only my thinking and my feelings about God but affects the
physical body so that over time it can reverse the effects of the
curse in every area of my existence.
bottom line truth is that God always
wants what is best for me, and desires only what will work toward the
final resolution and elimination of sin throughout the entire
universe. Until God's personal reputation is fully vindicated and all
charges, accusations and insinuations about Him have been fully
exposed and resolved, the universe will never be safe and God will
remain unable to govern freely the way He always governs – through
uninhibited love. His government requires complete freedom for all,
and those who choose His service live free of fear and in complete
loyalty to Him and to His ways of love because of their appreciation
of His methods and character.
Because the enemy
of my soul has the ability to block God when I allow him authority to
do so, God is actually blocked from providing many things I ask for
because of my unbelief. Most of us have little awareness of both the
enormous power that our own will has to affect our circumstances as
well as the truth that both sides in the supernatural realm require
our permission/authority to operate in our lives and prevent the
other side from carrying out their plans. Too many assume that
because God is all powerful (many have a false conception of God's
sovereignty), then nothing can prevent Him from having His way. Yet
that view of God is actually a projection of our own selfish
perception of power and reflects the way we would do things if we had
infinite power to do everything we wanted. This view of God is
satanic in origin and not like Jesus. As a result we make God out to
be more in our image rather than embracing Jesus as the only way by
which we perceive what God is actually like.
If I cling to
contradictory ideas about God and His ways, I give authority to Satan
allowing him to reinforce and deepen the confusion and darkness his
lies produce in my mind both about reality and God. This is an
unavoidable principle. What I express with my mouth emanates from
what I allow to circulate in my imagination and becomes the pivotal
factor in who is given access to my soul and who is allowed to steer
the direction of my life. This is why it is so dangerous to indulge
in negativity, gossip, criticism or fault-finding. The Bible refers
to all these things as cursing. Cursing is not so much about using
'bad' words but rather is through giving expression to negativity,
either about others, about God or even about myself. Giving
expression to such sentiments and opinions puts the supernatural on
notice that I affirm sentiments from the powers of darkness making me
a target of powerful influences from the kingdom of lies to operate
more efficiently in my life.
is what James is addressing in this passage. He warns that by
entertaining doubts about God, about His scandalous generosity and
His attitudes while responding to my requests, my very doubts become
authorization allowing Satan to strengthen my doubts and interpose
himself between God and my heart, blocking me from even
being able to receive
the very things I need and request. Satan is allowed to strengthen
lies in my heart because I give him access through my choice to doubt
the truth God brings to my attention and by indulging in negative
talk. James also points out that it is my will, my chooser, my
decisions as to how I will relate to the truth as revealed by Jesus
that determines which version of God I subscribe to and consequently
which kind of God is given access to my soul.
How can I break the
gridlock of unbelief in my own heart and have my heart unlocked and
empowered so I can actually accept, embrace and receive what I ask
for from God?
secret of power is in the piece of divinity
that every moral creature in the universe has implanted by design and
with which we decide the direction of our destiny. It is our will,
our power to make choices internally irregardless of capacity to
implement those choices or not. Our power to think and make free
choices is what one author calls our kingly power.
Irregardless of our surrounding circumstances, each one of us has
this divine freedom to choose for ourselves
which supernatural power will have access to our mind, our heart and
who can influence our destiny. Additionally, this power to choose for
ourselves can never be taken from us by anyone. God fiercely protects
our freedom to choose, whether or not we appreciate it or even when
we reject Him. It is vital for us to appreciate this truth, for
without freedom to choose for or against God with no threat of harm
or enticements to bribe us, it is impossible for us to enjoy the
agape love relationship with God or with others that we are designed
to enjoy.
only way we can lose our ability to choose freely who we will allow
to govern our life and who determines by repeatedly rejecting God's
gift of love for the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:10). Then we can so
permanently damage our own capacity to respond to love that our heart
and will becomes impossible to repair. Only then will we find
ourselves unable to
respond positively to the gentle drawing of the Spirit of Truth and
Love and be found beyond the power of mercy to salvage us, to fit us
to live and thrive in the presence of pure love, joy and freedom.
This is the sin against the Holy Spirit that is unforgivable, not
because there is any lack of forgiveness on God's part but because
there is no working receptor available within us to believe in or
synchronize with His love.
I now find that
when I ask God for wisdom according to this promise in James 1, I can
challenge any lingering doubts about God's generosity or subtle
premonitions that God might get upset if I misuse His gift. I now ask
God to flush my unbelief into the open so I can be aware of them, to
confess them honestly and give God authority to eradicate them using
the wonderful truths that James emphasizes here. I can choose to
affirm that God really is generous and to renounce all notions that
might question or contradict that reality. I can affirm and reassure
my heart that when God offers me wisdom there is nothing to be afraid
of from Him, that He will never come back latter to censure me for
how I might have inappropriately used what He gave me. As I decidedly
choose to embrace these wonderful things about God, at times it feels
almost too good to be true. Yet I find that my receptive ability to
believe what He is unconditionally offering me is being healed and I
have increasing assurance and boldness to consciously accept, embrace
and experience what I have requested. I really can be free from the
fears that doubt always produces as I give God full access to heal,
transform and renew my mind and heart.
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