Getting Ready for The Gift
Today's selection in my morning devotional, Christ Triumphant is about the Holy Spirit. There are a number of things that caught my attention and exposed lies inside of me about this subject. First of all, I noticed quite explicitly that the gift of the Holy Spirit is all about honoring Jesus and nothing about coming as some sort of reward for believers who finally get their act together. And while it is very true that it was necessary for the believers who experienced Pentecost to wait, pray, humble themselves and put away their differences to be prepared to receive this gift, the gift was not given as a reward for doing those things. I know that might seem self-evident logically speaking, but deep inside I have always felt that to receive this gift we had to somehow achieve some elevated level of holiness before God would entrust us with this power. Which then brings up another subtle addiction that has infused itself into this issue, that of our obsession for power itsel...