
Showing posts from February 28, 2021

Healing Judgment

 Healing judgment. These are not usually words we put together. Judgment is normally associated with law, fear and processes when things are imposed on us with little or no input by us. Healing on the other hand is much more personal, hopeful and positive. We like the idea of being healed, but we fear the idea of being judged. Yet I am now coming to see that the judgment of God is always for the purpose of potential healing if at all possible, never for the purpose of imposing punishments or for balancing imaginary scales of justice. So how might judgment involve healing? And if this is true, can we come to the place where we might even be eager to be judged instead of being afraid of it? The seeds related to this new idea that were planted in my mind many years ago and that have grown in my understanding involve several passages that long puzzled me. For years they didn't seem to fit anywhere into the theology I learned growing up. Now I realize this is because mainstream theol...