
Showing posts from February 12, 2017

Ultimate Wrestling

World Class Wrestler – Jacob Jacob started his wrestling career prenatally (Gen. 25:22). His birth caught him and his brother in the act as he refused to interrupt his fight with his brother long enough to even be born (Gen 25:26). Jacob and Esau continued to develop their wrestling skills likely through their growing up years pitting their strength against each other with Esau likely winning many of their skirmishes. Likely because of his underdog status with his brother (which his parents at first may have found somewhat amusing), Jacob would have become an easy target for alternative ways to try to win against his brother, something all too familiar for many of us. Throughout his life Jacob found himself wrestling much of the time, though not always in physical matches as much as during his early years. His rounds now spilled into emotional wrestling, struggling for social status, wrestling with nearly anyone around him in attempts to find a sense of wo...