Cleaning the Lens
What we want most of the time is for God to change uncomfortable circumstances. What God wants to change in us is our responses to uncomfortable circumstances. God allows difficulties into our lives many times as a means of sanding our roughness away. When we beg God to remove the sandpaper, we seek to block His plans and circumvent His methods for making us smoother and better suited to reflect His glory more clearly. We understand the need for cutting, grinding and polishing when it comes to constructing something of beauty or good function for our everyday life. So why is it so hard to see the parallel in the way God is working to prepare us to function in His family? We don't want a rough piece of lumber full of splinters, sticky sap oozing out and splattered with mud to use as a piece of fine furniture. We don't want a dull, ragged piece of metal to use for a mirror or even for a tool. We understand the need to cut away rough, sharp edges that present danger...