The True Nature of Prison
I am compiling a list of fascinating texts that seem to be stringing together something profound I have not noticed before. It is partly the emerging effect of a number of other insights I have learned over the past few months and their intersections are opening up some new things that make much more sense. Since it will take some time to process this, longer than what I want to wait right now, I am simply going to very briefly outline what I am seeing so far. The prisons that Jesus speaks of in His parables and stories all seem to have something very much in common with the trap of Satan as outlined in the book, The Bait of Satan by John Bevere. This book has gone very far in opening my eyes to see many things in the Bible I never noticed until I understood this as one of the most central issues that prevent most people from really entering into a successful connection with God. What came to my mind not long ago in connection with this is the several references Jesus made to pri...