Gracify Me
Grace has been hijacked, its definition has been sabotaged to mean about the same as an indulgence. Grace means graciousness, not license to indulge in the dysfunction of sin and remain in disharmony to the principles of reality. Disharmony and distrust is sin, and we were redeemed in order that we might be cleansed of sin, not licensed to continue in it, hurting others, ourselves and God's heart. The mindset that grace is in any way an excuse to keep sinning because God was paid off by the sacrifice of His Son in our place is directly linked with the blasphemy that pits Jesus against the Father and involves appeasement or commerce in some way. Imagining that God demands payment before justice can be satisfied comes directly out of paganism which in turn originated with Satan and his notions of commerce, debts and credits. So long as our thinking about God's disposition towards sinners involves notions of debt and credit we are susceptible to perversions of the meani...