Refining Delicacy
Last night it again was impressed on my
mind the idea of delicacy in the realm of the spiritual. I sense more
and more that true preparation for living in the presence of God has
far more to do with the fine tuning of the sensitivities of the mind
and heart to become more delicate so that they can perceive the
messages from heaven than it has to do with the amassing of factual
knowledge or sin-free performance enhancement. In fact, I am starting
to see that doctrines and behavior are really more about supporting
this process of shaping the mind and heart to fit into the atmosphere
of the society of heaven than they have to do with impressing God or
keeping up religious appearances.
I am starting to better understand that
the reasons behind pretty much every requirement of God is to further
this goal of allowing the mind to become more sensitive to His voice
in the heart. The reason it is detrimental for me to eat between
meals, to eat late before bedtime, to overeat or to eat foods that
are not healthy has far more to do with the effects that doing these
things has on my mind rather than because they violations of some
God's true government, His kingdom, is
based on the principle of cause and effect. Satan tries to assert
that God is arbitrary in order to shift our thinking away from this
underlying principle and to inject fear into our relationship, to
reinforce the notion that God is waiting to punish offenders and all
the other misapprehensions we have about our heavenly Father. When we
teach the principles of God's government as only rules to follow
rather than principles that align us to better perceive and receive
all the blessings that He is eager to share with us, we blaspheme the
truth about God and turn away many from wanting to know His goodness
and righteousness.
When I act out of a motive of desiring
to know God more intimately as the basis for choosing to live more
healthfully, to treat people more respectfully, to live a morally
upright life rather than from a motive of simply keeping rules, I
find that I have access to a power for my choices that is impossible
to experience otherwise. I am speaking from very little experience
here as I have spent most of my life coming from the other
perspective, of obedience out of fear, obligation and all the other
improper reasons. I am not suggesting that these alternative motives
are completely useless as initial tools to get me moving toward God;
but if they remain the main reasons for my obedience I become
extremely handicapped and stunted in my ability to grow very far in a
saving relationship with God.
Growing up into Christ primarily
involves a sensitization of the nervous system which is the only
means by which God's Spirit can communicate with humans. The whole
body and all of its systems and functions are all designed to support
the brain and the spiritual nature. The reason that exercise is
important is to create the healthiest conditions in the body and
blood so that the mind can become sharper and more sensitive to
hearing the voice of God to the soul. The reason that diet is so
important is for the very same reason, so that the blood can nourish
and enhance my ability to think clearly and more deeply. The reason
that rest is important is so that our bodies can rejuvenate and heal
and recover from the debilitating effects of sin as much as possible.
When we put harmful substances into our
bodies, whether it be drugs, unhealthy food, smoke, alcohol or
anything else, these poisons act to destroy the sensitivity and
abilities of our thinking and feelings and move us farther away from
an ability to listen to God effectively. This is why they are sinful;
not because we have broken some arbitrary rules and made God upset
but because we are destroying the very supporting systems He gave us
for the brain He needs to relate to us through.
When we fill our imaginations with
falsehoods, counterfeit concepts about reality and shallow
entertainment we likewise dull the fine sensitivities of the mind and
heart and clog our imaginations with ideas and feelings and beliefs
that prevent us from grasping the delicate truths that are needed to
appreciate the society of heaven. When we compromise in these areas
of our lives we are damaging our own capacity to grow in knowledge of
God and in grace, and the damage we cause ourselves results in the
inevitable wages that sin produces. It is not God punishing us when
we get sick, rather it is the law of cause and effect punishing us
for choices that have been made. Yet God is always at work through
overflowing grace to counter the pervasive effects of sin, to reverse
as much as possible the curses that we keep bringing on ourselves
through selfish choices. But He longs for us to come into an attitude
of more willingness to obey His instructions so that our appreciation
of His love can take deeper root in our hearts and we can become more
stable in our thinking and feelings.
Our imaginations can easily be infected
and diseased and thus unfit to be able to be properly activated by
the elevated truths found in the Word of God. The world's attractions
are designed to hijack our imaginations and calculated to stimulate
our passions while largely bypassing the part of our brain that God
designed to act as guardian of our morals. It has been shown by
scientific research that watching theatrical television, movies and
such media of any genre literally damages the human brain and stunts
its ability to keep reason and conscience in control over the
steering decisions we make in life. Such entertainment stimulates the
baser emotional parts of our brain while suppressing the higher
creative control circuits thus unfitting us for living in harmony
with the social structures of heaven and even being able to function
properly on earth. It has been proven that such activity seriously
damages the brain of children who are exposed to this during the
first seven year of their life and results in all sorts of commonly
seen symptoms around us today.
When we begin to grasp the bigger
picture, the true nature of the battle we all are caught up in along
with the rest of the universe, we will begin to gain better
perspective about these things that we have so long misunderstood and
have misplaced in our priorities. When we begin to grasp the great
truth that God is not out to threaten or hurt us but is doing
everything possible to restore us and fit us for life in the rare
atmosphere of love, transparency and super-charged joy that fills all
of heaven, then we can make more sense out of the many instructions
that He has given for our benefit.
It is false ideas about God's attitudes
toward us that blind us to the true nature of the battles we are in
and how we need to relate to them. Everything that confuses us,
causes us to malfunction and brings dysfunction into our
relationships with others can be traced back to mistaken ideas and
feelings about God. This one issue is the core issue that must be
addressed if we are to begin to make real progress in the healing of
the soul, mind, body and spirit.
God's commandments can be condensed
into a very simple package that Jesus reiterated when He was here on
Then one of them, an expert in the
Law of Moses, asked Jesus a question to test him. He said, "Teacher,
which command in the law is the most important?" Jesus answered,
"'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and
all your mind.' This is the first and most important command. And the
second command is like the first: 'Love your neighbor the same as you
love yourself.' All of the law and the writings of the prophets take
their meaning from these two commands." (Mat 22:35-40 ERV)
If love is the very essence of what it
looks like to live in harmony with all the law, the writings of the
prophets and the Word of God, then we need to learn how to have and
experience whatever this thing is that is called love. We need to
spend more time focusing on what it is, how to receive and share it
and how to condition our minds and hearts to increase our capacity to
operate in this way.
When I view God through dark lenses
formed by distorted ideas about Him promoted by most any religion on
earth, I will not be able to perceive the true nature of this love
that is the very life-blood of the universe. When I see God as an
arbitrary rule-maker rather than an inviting lover, I stunt my own
ability to respond to what He really desires for me to experience. Or
if I perceive God as a distant Dad who is permissive or uncaring
having little interest in my welfare or safety, I will likely turn to
other sources to find comfort, guidance and identity in my life.
Our brains were designed for far more
sensitive living than any of us can even imagine. Even the very
physical makeup of our brain betrays this fact. Microscopic nerve
endings grow billions of potential delicate endings that if used are
stimulated to grow stronger and develop whole regions in our brain
giving us new capacities to experience new things. On the other hand
when these potential nerve endings are not utilized and exercised
they are soon disintegrated by caustic acids produce by our bodies to
prune away what we have chosen not to exercise and over time our
capacities for various aspects of life are completely destroyed and
we lose our ability to regain them again.
This is the brain that God designed and
has given to every person alive. When we begin to understand and
appreciate this brain which is the sole source of our relationship
with God we can begin to better appreciate what the Word of God
really means to our lives. God gave us our brain with this capacity
for encouraging growth in the highest areas of living with the
potential for extreme sensitivities for things we do not now
appreciate. If we obey His instructions in every area of our lives we
will find that we can perceive far greater truths about reality and
can more distinctly interact with the quiet voice of God in our souls
with amazing results in our lives. This is God's deep desire for each
one of us, but He respects the choices we make that either enhance
our capacity to know and hear Him more clearly or that destroy our
abilities to know and reflect His love.
Our minds, hearts and bodies are
designed primarily for love. Our nervous system is designed to thrive
on love. The touch of love, the hearing of love, the sights that
stimulate feelings of love, the smells of love, the tastes that bring
pleasure and the spirit we have that can elevate all of these things
and integrate them together to shape an atmosphere of love helps us
to know God more intimately who is the only Source of all real love.
Without love it is impossible to thrive
and grow. Without love it is impossible to make sense out of our
existence. Without receiving and passing on love we can never come to
appreciate our original design, purpose or experience true
satisfaction. Our whole being was created to find its ultimate
fulfillment in focusing on love. And the most highly cultivated way
for maximizing this design by our Creator is to live in constant
reception of love from Him and in turn passing it on to others in the
same spirit as in the One we received it from.
Love by definition is always
other-centered, other-focused and intent on enhancing and blessing
others more than ourselves. The reason God is three in one is because
it is impossible for Him to be love without being more than a single
entity. Love literally cannot exist in a single person alone; there
always has to be an other upon which to focus attention for love to
even exist. This is why denying the existence of the trinity is to
deny that God is love, which is precisely the reason behind Satan's
attacks on this doctrine.
We are created in the image of God, to
live and thrive and be fulfilled only as we imitate our original
template who is God – love personified. When we do anything less
than this we malfunction and suffer pain, sorrow and ultimately death
that results from a lack of love. Love is life-giving, and to be
lacking in love is to experience fear and death to some degree or
another. Just a casual look at the evidence all around us confirms
this fact. People who's lives are filled with unselfish love thrive
while people who live selfishly experience loneliness, damage to
their bodies, souls, minds and spirit. The more a human is deprived
of love the more this damage becomes obvious. We have overwhelming
evidence of all of this, yet because of the deceptions and
distortions about reality we remain confused as to how all of this
relates to our religion.
Love is designed to ever intensify
through the sharpening and intensifying of the delicate abilities and
sensitivities of our brain, our senses, our feelings and our
perceptions. Sin always leads to the dulling and destroying of our
abilities to love and causes us to live in confusion about our true
purpose, value and identity. Through many subtle or not so subtle
lies about God, the one whom we were designed from, Satan causes us
to have very distorted ideas about what will bring us satisfaction
and fulfillment.
Only through a proper appreciation for
the real truth about God can we ever begin to move back toward the
refining of the highly delicate abilities needed to interact in true
selfless love that marks all relationships in God's family. And only
by allowing His Spirit to bring healing and stimulation for
recovering our capacities as much as possible in this broken human
organism debilitated by the effects of sin can we begin to move
toward restoration into the society of heaven.
Now I hear in my heart God reminding me
of something He said long ago.
Now that you know this truth, how happy
you will be if you put it into practice! (John 13:17 GNB)
Father, cause me to walk in Your
ways, to reflect Your truths in my life, to practice what You have
been sharing with me for so long. Empower me to make good choices
that will enhance my brain's ability to relate to You more
intimately. I have a growing desire to enter into a deeper intimacy
with You, to know Your heart better, to share Your love more readily
with others who are malfunctioning like I am. Father, please make me
a more accurate reflection of what You are like. Heal me of this
terminal sickness of selfishness that causes me to damage both myself
and others so often. Expose and help me to dispel the many lies about
You that still remain hidden in my heart. Continue to grow me, to
train me, to instruct me, to love me, to heal me, to restore me to
the joy of Your salvation – all for Your reputation's sake, Amen.
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