A Fresh Paradigm
The more that I learn about the truth
of how Jesus took over the role of representing this world before the
universe to displace Satan's assertion of authority here, the more
insights I am starting to see throughout Scripture. I am starting to
understand that maybe Hebrews could be an explicit exposé on this
very topic and we have missed it because of our dim perceptions of
this central theme. I would like to explore this book from this
perspective and see what connections may begin to become clear.
Just from a cursory look at the first
chapter there are many clues that seem to jump out at me. Maybe
listing them as they come to my attention will open the doors to
discover many more things. And these insights are not just
intellectual exercises but rather are parts of the puzzle that unveil
the picture of reality like most have never thought about before but
that is true nonetheless.
Grasping a correct 'big picture' of
what is really going on instead of the human-centered obsession with
salvation being all about getting our skins into heaven is vital to
helping us to come into right relationship with God's plans for us. I
have been learning for many years how the real issue in the great war
we are engaged in between good and evil is much more about
vindicating God's reputation before the entire universe instead of
obsessing about trying to rescue sinners from the hands of an angry
God. Religion has done more to perpetuate the deceptions of Satan and
misconceptions about God than any other source. But in these last
days the glory of God will fill the whole earth with the real truth
about what is actually going on and all who are willing to embrace
this truth and allow God to use them as truthful witnesses about who
He really is will enjoy the natural rewards of becoming purified so
as to be able to live and thrive in His glorious and very intense
It is necessary to have some of the
facts in place to make sense of how Hebrews counters the false
assertions of Satan to be the legitimate prince of this world. If we
don't have a grasp of the real contest that has been going on for
centuries we can't make much sense out of what we see in this book.
Adventists in particular have been blessed with behind the scenes
insights into this great war like no other people on the planet. Yet
they have largely abused or misapplied many of these insights as they
have, like the Jews of old did, moved toward a defensive spirit about
these things or worse an abusive spirit. Instead of seeking to move
into even greater light we have entrenched ourselves into thinking we
already had all the light there is to have, and as a result we have
lost much light we could have had by this time. Unless we move
forward with advancing truth and light we become stagnant and slip
into even greater darkness than those who have not had access to that
which was entrusted to us.
The insights and light given to the
messenger for this church was not to replace anything in Scripture
but was to get us to dig much deeper and show us how the pieces and
clues fit together that we find there. But too many times we want to
make her writings the main basis of our beliefs instead of allowing
them to enhance our perceptions of what is really taking place. It is
very easy to make an idol out of Ellen White's writings and rest in
the assumption that her ideas have more authority than the Bible. We
don't want to admit that fact, but the way in which we handle her
writings betray this to those who have a more objective view of how
we think and speak and use her writings.
Yet in spite of our abuse and prejudice
and stubbornness and resistance to move forward into new light, there
will be some who are humble and willing to learn and be taught by the
Holy Spirit and Jesus promised for those who are willing. The Word of
God is yet to be mined effectively to expose the many riches that we
could be enjoying if only we could let go of our preconceptions and
misapprehensions that blind us to some of the most important themes
that run all throughout inspired writings.
Lucifer started this great war in
heaven when he because jealous of Jesus who, in my opinion, was so
similar to Lucifer that they may have appeared to be clones of each
other. I believe that given the nature of how God has related to
humanity after sin entered this world, that it is quite likely that
God also lowered Himself by forming the Son into the likeness of an
angel so as to make Himself more approachable by the created angels.
But this created the potential for misunderstanding by making it
appear that the Son might also have been created since He did not
look any different than other angels. The created beings had to take
it on faith that Jesus was not just another one like them just as
humans also have to do the same.
As many of us know the sad history of
how sin began in the mind of Lucifer, he began to entertain jealousy
in his heart about the special privileges that Jesus enjoyed as one
of the Godhead that Lucifer did not participate in as they met
together to plan the creation of this planet and a special, new order
of beings that would reflect their image more perfectly. As Lucifer
resisted the love and compassion and even the warnings of God that
his course of action would only result in harm, sin began to take
shape in his thinking and antagonism toward God became woven into his
very character.
The primary focal point of Lucifer's
resistance and complaints about God's government was always his
jealousy of the Son of God. Lucifer felt that God was withholding
legitimate privileges from him as he refused to acknowledge the fact
that he simply did not have the same capacities and abilities as the
eternal Son. Because he allowed jealousy and pride to pervade all of
his thinking and as a result the love and humility of God drained
away from his soul, he came to the point where he insisted that the
selfless love that defined the core essence of who God is simply did
not exist to start with. This was the only way that Satan – now
turned accuser – could make his claims and accusations against God
make any sense and be appealing to other intelligent beings.
Because we are born into the world
filled with false assumptions about God promoted by this great
accuser, it is very difficult for us to distinguish many of the lies
of Satan because they are already woven into so much of what we
assume is truth. Particularly our opinions about how God feels about
us and the very nature of love itself prevents us from grasping the
real issues of the great controversy that Satan launched against the
ways and the principles of God's government. We have been led to
assume that the problem with God is a legal issue and that God is the
one upset because we have broken His laws and now must be punished.
But this thinking is filled with many of the false assumptions that
Satan used to mislead one third of the highly intelligent angels of
heaven while they were still clear-headed and not predisposed to
believing lies about God like we are.
That is why I believe it is vitally
critical that our perceptions about God must improve dramatically
before we can make any sense out of the many clues about the true
nature of the great controversy as well as the plan of salvation that
God has revealed to rescue us from this horrific mess we are in. As
long as we continue to cling to dark views of God that Satan has
insisted are true and that religion has imposed on us, we cannot have
the capacity to appreciate the much grander truths and realities that
are central to God's government that is under such fierce attack.
When Satan lost his welcome in heaven
and was expelled because no one there would allow him any more
audience for his rantings against God, he and his duped and highly
discontented followers ended up on this earth to engage the minds of
brand new beings who had never been exposed to the arguments that
everyone else had already taken sides over. Approaching brand new
subjects who did not know what was going on was the perfect test for
Satan's theories and assertions that it was impossible for people to
respond and live in just the pure atmosphere of love alone. Satan
insisted that God's government based on love was untenable in the
long run and that this law of love was impossible to rely on to keep
subjects from rebelling. The way to prove this was to test a control
group scientifically who had never been exposed to the arguments from
either side to see what the outcome would prove. But tragically the
outcome appeared to prove God wrong and vindicated the assertions of
Satan that indeed it was too difficult to obey God simply from love
and appreciation of His character and that other elements were needed
to keep subjects in line.
Lucifer had claimed that he was aware
of hidden flaws in God's system of government and that he had come up
with a better system of government that simply needed to be developed
long enough to be perfected and that his ideas ultimately should
replace heaven's system. Satan became very angry when he was pushed
out of heaven and lost access to freely being able to banter and
harass beings from all over the universe who came there to conduct
their business. But he was also determined to establish a beachhead
somewhere in God's universe where he could have a based from which to
spread his rebellion and further his designs to rule the entire
universe eventually.
Note these insights from Ellen White
who received special revelations about what is going on behind the
In the opening of the great
controversy, Satan had declared that the law of God could not be
obeyed, that justice was inconsistent with mercy, and that, should
the law be broken, it would be impossible for the sinner to be
pardoned. Every sin must meet its punishment, urged Satan; and if God
should remit the punishment of sin, He would not be a God of truth
and justice. When men broke the law of God, and defied His will,
Satan exulted. It was proved, he declared, that the law could not be
obeyed; man could not be forgiven. Because he, after his rebellion,
had been banished from heaven, Satan claimed that the human race must
be forever shut out from God's favor. God could not be just, he
urged, and yet show mercy to the sinner. {DA 761}
Satan desperately wanted to regain
access back into heaven, but because the welcome mat had been removed
by the loyal angels, possibly the only way he could return there was
to somehow gain credentials as a representative of one of the created
worlds so that he could attend the councils held in heaven attended
by the reps from each planet. So he set about to see if he could
somehow convince Adam, the assigned representative for this planet,
to relinquish his title and position to Satan.
This is the context of what we read in
Genesis as Satan cunningly approached Adam through his greatest weak
spot, his passionate love for Eve. By deceiving Eve first and then
using her to seduce Adam into relinquishing his birthright as holding
dominion over all the earth, Satan was able to accomplish his purpose
and immediately placed the king and queen of this world into his
slavery and instilled into them many of the attributes of his own
This issue of who is the rightful
representative of this world is one of the core themes that I believe
we have missed in most of theology. We have not grasped the
significance of this battle over accreditation as we might term it in
our vernacular. But Satan did in fact wrest the control and
governance of this planet away from Adam and immediately asserted
himself into the councils of heaven insisting that he was now to be
considered the rightful ruler of this world.
But there were serious issues
immediately raised by Satan's assertions that he must be accepted as
the head of the human race and the prince of this world. And those
issues need to be flushed into the open more clearly by examining the
clues we have from both the Bible and the insights provided for us by
the one God gifted in the early days of our church. I believe all of
these things can be found in the Bible and we should be careful to
search them out. But our job can be made more efficient if we are
willing to believe that God gave us some big clues through the
insights of the one He empowered to help jump-start our thinking
again and help us to see the bigger issues that have long been
Understanding this context of the issue
over who has the right to represent humanity in the councils of
heaven and as such to speak for us and dominate this world is vital
also to understanding much more clearly the mission of Jesus to this
world. For a long time I have struggled with the misconceptions
taught by religion inferring that Jesus came to appease an angry
Father waiting to punish sinners. But the more I have seen these
distorted ideas discredited the more I have wondered what the real
purpose of the cross was in place of the lies swirling around that
story. Only recently has the real truth of what the cross is all
about begun to emerge to my understanding, and this truth is
intensely compelling.
I am now beginning to see that the real
issue that Jesus came to deal with was not at all a problem with an
angry God but rather the problem of who has legitimate right to
represent humans in this universe. Jesus came to contest the
credentials of Satan, to expose him as a fraud and to Himself replace
him and take over the role of rightful control of this planet. This
theme emerges again and again in the gospel accounts and I believe
might be the main focus of Hebrews if we saw it in its true context.
One more thought I want to add here.
While it cannot be proven conclusively, I agree with James Wilder in
his careful analysis of Scripture in coming to the conclusion that
quite possibly the book of Hebrews may have been written by Luke, and
that Luke was the unnamed man who was one of the two disciples who
enjoyed a personal and very intensive Bible study given by Jesus on
their way home to Emmaus the evening after His resurrection. The book
of Hebrews may well have been the content of that study that Jesus
took them through as He explained to them from Scripture what was
really going on and why He had come to this earth to live and die and
be resurrected. This fits perfectly in the context of the bigger
picture and also explains many details in the stories of these events
and people.
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