Trust in Labels
Labels are extremely appealing
crutches, shortcuts that allow prejudice to flourish without being
questioned. This is what fuels nationalism, patriotism and many other
'isms where hatred of outsiders becomes a virtue and is seen as
honor. Labels are used in racism and for every form prejudice.
Because of this we should view them with extreme suspicion and with
great awareness of the high risks involved.
Labels. Truth in advertising. Faith.
What do these have in common?
We come to trust certain brands of
things that we purchase for the quality that we expect from them.
Labels have to do with reputation, and reputation can readily be
manipulated and leveraged. Large companies invest millions of dollars
and pay great attention to the reputation to protect their brand
name, their label. All of us are aware of the dynamics of labels and
the good and harm that can come about as a result. The news is full
of stories both good and bad about issues swirling around labels,
whether it be about companies or groups of people.
Jesus managed to get Himself in regular
trouble because of people's reliance on labels to determine their
beliefs about who was right or wrong. In fact, this issue of labels
is one of the main things He came to challenge when He came from
heaven to earth as a baby. As soon as He arrived the labels started
flying and the charges started piling up to discredit and diffuse the
truth He had come to reveal to us about what His Father is really
One of the things that God Jesus into
trouble as His defiance of labeling. The Jews, those people who
placed great confidence in their label of being God's chosen nation,
placed enormous importance on their status based on that label. They
believed that having the right label was the highest priority even if
the inward quality was totally dysfunctional and lacking. They had
come to believe that God likewise was most interested in labels more
than in what was inside the label. They had a real problem concerning
truth in advertising.
Because the Jews placed their greatest
faith in labels and keeping up outward appearances, they became
confident that anyone not covered by their brand name could not have
any saving relationship with God. Their pride and arrogance and
self-righteousness became a facade behind which was hidden all sorts
of corruption and hypocrisy, greed and ungodliness. Yet they
considered anyone outside their nationalistic label as rejected and
outside of God's mercy. Gentiles were the lost and Samaritans were
even worse off.
Imagine the shock and horror produced
then when Jesus said that He found more faith in gentiles than He
could find in Israel. It was comments like these that aroused the
anger of His hometown people more than anything else He said. In His
homecoming sermon Jesus made inflammatory statements about God paying
more attention to people outside Israel during the Old Testament
times than to people inside the chosen elect. This nearly cost Him
His life before His ministry even got off the ground. He didn't seem
to have the respect for proper use of labels like what was expected
of any good Jew.
Lest we think we are free of such
prejudices, think again. We fall into many of the same labeling
mistakes as did the Jews who rejected Jesus. He warned their leaders
about trusting in their superior knowledge of Scriptures instead of
trusting directly in Him, the Author. We easily fall into that same
trap of assuming our knowledge of Scripture is sufficient to save us
while failing to connect our heart to the true Source of those
writings and allowing His Spirit to interpret them.
My church, as every group of people
tends to do, is gravitating toward the use of labels in very similar
ways. Labels are convenient ways to avoid thinking and taking
responsibility. Labeling can also encourage others to avoid thinking
for themselves. We can just tell people in our group to trust in our
brand name and leave the responsibility up to the leaders for making
sure everything is right. But this discourages individual
accountability and perverts God's purpose to lead each person
Labels most often bind people into
forms of bondage, not freedom. Labels can rob people of their
potential to learn and grow by searching out truth, being accountable
and exercising responsibility under the direct guidance of the Holy
It is nearly impossible to even talk
without using labels. They constitute too large a part of our
thinking and our language to avoid. They may be useful in
generalizations, but far too often they become crutches used in the
wrong motives while at the same time conveniently obscuring those
very motives.
Religious labels may purport to
strengthen faith while in reality they very often do the opposite.
Faith is not encouraged through a reliance on labeling and generally
does not lead to growth in the knowledge of truth or in relationship
with God. Rather, faith looks past the surface labels of all kinds
and sees that we are all of the same family no matter what labels
have been slapped on us.
Labels are not just restricted to
words, though sooner or later they usually involve them. What people
look like often serve as labels we use to determine all sorts of
things about how we are going to feel about them and relate to them.
This plays directly into the world's system of valuation. We
instantly determine an estimated value of someone the first time we
see them based on our own list of preferences. Because of this
reality we can spend an inordinate amount of effort seeking to keep
up our own appearances in order to create as good an impression as
possible on others so we can be more valued in their estimation. This
is all part of the 'other gods' syndrome that God warned us against.
When labels are used to identify
inanimate things, they can prove quite useful. Even living creatures
need names for us to identify and communicate concerning them. God
gave the job of labeling to Adam as his very first assignment after
creation, partly to awaken in him an awareness of his own sense of
incompleteness without a complementary mate. Labels can serve to
alert us that some brands of products are more likely to have the
quality that we want compared to other brands that are known to be
inferior. Labels themselves are not the problem. It is when we allow
this estimation of value to begin to divide and gradate our love for
other humans that we leave God's will for His children.
Religion in particular has exploited
and abused labeling. Religious labels are almost always used for
purposes of prejudice which is defined as pre-judging. That brings us
to the related issue of judging which Jesus explicitly warns against
doing. He said that not even He was going to exercise the authority
given Him by the Father to judge, but that the words of truth He
spoke would serve as our judge in the end.
What were the words of Christ? If we
discern them properly we will see that the main purpose of Jesus
coming to this earth was to reveal the real truth about God in sharp
contrast to the false notions we have about Him so that we could come
to know the truth. Whenever truth about God is allowed into the
heart, genuine faith and trust in God can be awakened which is the
very thing that sin has destroyed in us. This is a personal thing as
well as a collective problem. But we must be extremely careful not to
get trapped by labels we so frequently rely on that can blind us to
the personal responsibility we have to respond to the truth God is
impressing on us.
I sense that many in my own church are
beginning to move in the wrong direction when it comes to labeling.
It is easy for leaders all the way to the highest levels to seek to
impose policies for members to only accept teachings from
church-approved sources or read books by church authors. This is a
blatant abusive used of labeling, for it infers that the church they
control as a public corporation should be trusted implicitly to be
the only source of reliable information for salvation while all other
sources should be considered inferior at best or be viewed with
suspicion or simply left out.
Yet this is reliance on a technique
that has repeatedly proven all throughout history to be extremely
fallible and even abusive. The Jews used this method, but the Bible
shows that it often led to spiritual isolation, arrogance, apostasy
and finally disintegration. I am not suggesting here that we should
embrace without question anything that comes along claiming truth.
God is very much into guidelines, parameters, exclusions and
protections. However, we have far too often tried to condense God's
protective boundaries into a system of reliance on labels alone to
decide what is safe for us when God intends for His children to be
guided by His Holy Spirit given for that very purpose.
People who listen to God's Spirit have
quite often been branded as heretics by the mainstream religion of
their day, partly because they exposed the corruption and evil that
had been neatly hidden behind the facade of righteousness constructed
partly out of labels. Because prophets and messengers challenged the
labeling system of those trusting in them, they were themselves
labeled as false, dangerous, heretics and many other negative labels.
That same reaction will always be true to the end of time.
Jesus never once gave His disciples
instructions about how to properly label people so they would know
who to trust and who to avoid. On the contrary, Jesus exploded just
about every labeling system in place when He walked among us which is
one of the main reasons He found Himself constantly at odds with
religious people around Him. He refused to endorse their neat system
of categorizing people according to their indexing system and thus
was accused of just about every violation that could be thought of
based on their notions of righteousness. They retaliated by slapping
derogatory labels on Him.
Man looks on the outward appearances
but God looks on the heart. Labels depend on what we determine about
a person which necessarily only involves what we have access to
through our physical perceptions. But God repeatedly warns us against
relying on our systems of valuation and labeling, for our ways alway
lead to judging which Jesus warns us sternly against. When we judge
people by labeling them, we are usurping the job of God who only is
the righteous judge who reads the heart, and we find ourselves at the
cross judging God as being out of harmony with our sense of justice.
Labeling stifles a gift that the Spirit
of God wants us to use that is replaced by our abuse of labeling. As
with everything Satan has done in his counterfeit system, for every
good gift or truth that God has established, Satan has a counterfeit
that seems so close at times to the true that at first it may be hard
to see the difference. But the closer one comes to the true the more
obvious the dangers they discover in the counterfeit.
Reliance on labeling is the counterfeit
of Satan to what God wants us to have – discernment. But godly
discernment needs the context of a humble mind, an open heart, a
growing knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus, and most of all an
vital connection with the One who called Himself not just the Truth
but also the Way and the Life.
Labeling is one of those counterfeits
that is used prolifically in the system of Satan which all the
kingdoms of this world operate on. Religion itself becomes infected
with these same principles that can seem so logical but are not in
harmony with God's ways of agape life. Jesus said many things about
this labeling problem that we ignore because they make us
uncomfortable, so we religify His teachings, explain them away, refer
them to committees of theologians who come up with reasons why we
should not take them too seriously and continue to maintain our
status quo.
Yet in the end it will be the words of
Jesus that will serve as our judge, working to expose the fraudulent
counterfeits we have relied on for our assurance of salvation. Too
many assume if they belong to the right church that they have a high
probability of being saved. Some people think if they just keep the
right day as the Sabbath that they can guarantee their spot in the
kingdom. Some think if they avoid the wrong society that their
religion will remain pure (assuming that it is pure to start with)
because they are relying on religious experts of the Bible to figure
everything out for them.
Discernment is one of the gifts of the
Holy Spirit that we all need. Sadly I think it may be one of the
weakest gifts in our church, or at least one of the most
unappreciated gifts. I believe this may be in part due to our
practice of relying so much on labels rather than living in direct
connection to the Holy Spirit. When we slip into a reliance on labels
instead of learning to be guided by the Spirit in using His gift of
discernment, we abort our responsibility and lose some of the
benefits available to us as children of God. All who are true
children of God are to be led by the Spirit of God instead of
following their own hunches or being guided by their old ways of
looking at things.
The whole New Testament seems to focus
on this problem as much as anything. Yet we still continue to rely
heavily on the practice of using shortcut labels for people,
factions, systems of thought, denominations, nationalities and many
other divisive elements. Jesus said that His kingdom is not of this
world, and for very good reasons. One of those reasons is this
diabolical practice of labeling affecting how we think and treat
those around us instead of being transformed in our thinking,
feeling, acting and living through the renewing of our mind by the
Holy Spirit who is sent to lead us into all truth.
Jesus said that we should not use
labels like rabbi, father or other such titles. But did He simply
mean to avoid those particular labels that He listed, or are we
willing to embrace the underlying principle that He was seeking to
teach us? I'm afraid that we have simply substituted different labels
for the ones Jesus told us not to use and then smugly think we are
still obeying Him. The real problem is not which label we use but
rather the mindset and spirit of using them to begin with. Jesus said
we are all family – brothers and sisters. That is a safe enough
label and is also a very revealing one when it comes to undo
influence by the world's system of hierarchy. Brother and sister is
about as close as you can get to establishing a spirit of equality.
That is what Jesus intended exactly. Most other labels push us toward
thinking some of us are more important while others are less which is
anathema to the kingdom of heaven.
I had a pastor warn me against
listening to a certain teacher because he felt that teacher would
mislead me into heresy. I happened to know that the teacher in
question is actually much closer to the truth about God's character
than the pastor warning me. So what is really going on here with his
use of labels? We try to slap a negative label on anyone who
disagrees with our particular opinions without bothering to compare
their teachings with the Word of God and pay attention to the Spirit
of God.
I will agree that there are many false
teachers in this world – far more so than there are teachers who
embrace the true gospel of Jesus Christ. But our abuse of labels has
far too often blocked many from coming to know God or the truth about
Him from fear of what others might say or think about them. We are
afraid of being tainted by the negative reports circulating about
someone while unwilling to investigate the truth for ourselves to see
if someone is simply being slandered or is actually deceiving others.
I will agree that this is a job for the more mature; but at the same
time Satan leads many to rely on others they consider experts in
religion or law to do their thinking for them and to come up with
neat labels on which the rest can then rely to guide them as to who
to trust or distrust.
This method is extremely dangerous at
best and very irresponsible when it comes to matters of salvation.
Each of us must be personally accountable to God for our own souls
and should never leave this responsibility in anyone else's hands no
matter how expert or pious they may seem to us. If we rely more on
labels than on the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth, we shall
never be safe from the subtle deceptions of the enemy who relies on
these shortcuts to keep millions in a false sense of security while
those they put their confidence in are themselves influenced by the
wrong spirit.
Labels belong in department stores, not
in our search for truth and salvation. The only labels it is safe for
us to embrace are the labels of Christ: abiding in Christ, resting in
Christ, trusting in Christ, obedience in Christ, loving with Christ's
love in the way that He loved. As we grow up into Christ in every
way, we will see those around us in His body as also growing up in
Him and being drawn to Him.
Too many are resisting His drawing and
are being used by the enemy to discourage and mislead others by
relying on labels for their security. But our focus must be on Christ
alone and to cooperate with His transforming work in our own souls.
As we focus on Him and allow Him to heal and grow us up into more
perfect reflections of His character of love, we can live free of the
curse of labels and enjoy the peace of Christ that passes all
comprehension. We will also find ourselves growing closer to each
other and the barrier of labels is stripped away and we enter into
the joy of the Lord and the fellowship of His Spirit.
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