DVA Testing
Science has come a very long ways in
recent years in the study of DNA and has developed tests by which all
sorts of things can now be accurately identified using DNA testing.
Amazingly even very old tissue from bones or hair can be DNA tested
and compared with descendants generations later to determine if they
are related to people living today. But have you ever considered that
there might be a way to test spiritual fruit to determine if it came
from the Tree of Life or the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?
I am starting to sense that very
possibly God may want us to test DNA of current fruit to identify
which Tree it descended from. And one way that occurred to me that we
might test ideas is by asking two simple questions: Is it life-giving
only? Or does it operate on the dualism principle of Good and Evil?
You can argue all you want in favor of
the dualistic system and convince yourself or others that it is of
heavenly origin. But there is only one representative Tree that
stands for heaven's system and it does not contain more than one
description – Life. When we discover the DNA of dualism in any
concept or teaching, then very likely that kind of thinking can be
traced right back to its earthly origin of the infection this earth
received when our first parents partook of the Tree of the Knowledge
of Good and Evil.
It is no coincidence that God
repeatedly emphasized during creation week the organic principle of
everything reproducing after its own kind. But what we may have
overlooked is that this principle is not just to be understood in the
physical world but operates just as strongly in the spiritual realm.
The way to identify a source is to compare the DNA of the existing
fruit to the original stock. If we took seriously the information
provided for us in the book of Genesis we might be much farther along
in our understanding and awareness of the deceptions of Satan.
Since I have had a growing awareness of
this principle of dualism that comes from the forbidden tree in the
garden, many things have come into much clearer light as a result. I
have noticed the DNA pattern from that tree showing up in many
religious assumptions that have long gone unchallenged. It shows up
in many of my own natural reactions to situations or people, for the
DNA of selfishness and sin operates within all of us. Fear of
punishment and insistence on rewards is all directly linkable to the
philosophy infused into humanity through the DNA of that tree. What
is much more difficult to grasp is how to discern truth that will
always contain the DNA of the Tree of Life. For we are so used to
making our determinations based on false assumptions that we fail to
see how many of our beliefs are infected with the contamination of
GMBs – Genetically Modified Beliefs.
I want to think about this more. But
for now I will just leave you with a tangential question to ponder.
What was so important about the
difference between God's holy fire that was to be used in all the
services of the ancient sanctuary and ordinary 'strange fire' that
would bring a deadly curse upon anyone trying to introduce it for use
in holy functions?
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