Redeeming Vulnerability
The kingdom of heaven is about
Jesus came to redeem the idea of
vulnerability and to change our minds about its viability.
Consider how many times when Jesus was
on earth that He went through circumstances or told stories that
would challenge our ideas about vulnerability.
More than once when the disciples found
themselves in a life-threatening storm on the Sea of Galilee, they
experienced intense vulnerability, something they did not like or
want to face. Yet Jesus allowed them to experience that so as to
teach them to always bring Him into the equation and to learn to
trust in His love and power so as to overcome fear in every such
When thousands of people found
themselves very hungry with no way to obtain food readily, they felt
very vulnerable which often leads people to become angry or resentful
or to look for someone to blame. Jesus led them through that
experience to teach that being vulnerable in this way should not
upset our trust in God as our sure provider and that we need not
worry but rather should thank God even before there is food
A woman caught in adultery was flung
down before Jesus with disgust by a group of pious, self-righteous
religious people who thrived on exploiting the vulnerabilities of
others. They hoped not only to bring shame and harm to this woman
(who well may have been a woman Jesus had already been seeking to
redeem and salvage which would have made her even more so a target of
their hatred), but they were intending to also exploit the
vulnerability of Jesus to their own advantage. Yet in this situation
Jesus refused to exploit not only her vulnerability but also that of
her accusers. It would have been very easy for Him to expose their
sins and discredit them before their deceived admirers, but instead
He protected the guilty from exposure and shame on both sides.
Something very similar happened at Simon's feast with the woman who
washed His feet.
Jesus' entire life was a demonstration
of living vulnerably yet without fear as He demonstrated how constant
and implicit trust in God and His goodness is the best way to live,
even with danger and shame all around us. Jesus never allowed shame
to displace or even ruffle His own secure identity. Each day He
connected with and reinforced His sense of personal identity by
communing with His heavenly Father to prepare Him to successfully
meet overwhelming odds each day.
Of course the cross of Jesus is the
ultimate demonstration of vulnerability while trusting God. Jesus
encountered all the violence and unfair treatment heaped on Him by
sinners and demons alike without once resisting or even having a
thought of resentment or desire for retaliation. Only agape love can
empower a person to live such a way, but that is the whole point of
the cross. The cross was the grand exposé of all time to prove
conclusively that living vulnerably is not only preferable but even
necessary to live harmony with the principles of life and reality as
God has designed them.
A great temptation for Jesus while here
on earth was to shrink back from living vulnerably. The principle of
selfishness, survival at the expense of others as the satanic theory
of evolution promotes as the necessary foundation of existence, was
soundly refuted by the life and death of Jesus. By choosing to be
vulnerable instead of defensive or aggressive to protect His own
life, Jesus exposed the foundations of evolution and selfishness as
being a fraud. Evolution is predicated on selfishness as the norm for
all life while Jesus demonstrated that real life is based on selfless
servant attitudes rather than dominance and self-protection.
God vindicated the witness of Jesus
that living vulnerably is the only right way to live in harmony with
God's creation by raising Him from the dead. The resurrection is
God's exposing as fraud the entire system of exploitation and
anti-vulnerability. Satan's system leads us to believe that
vulnerability is bad and that we must resort to self-protection at
times. The world may acknowledge that love is good as far as it can
go, but when things get too dangerous we are forced to resort to
self-defense to protect our life at the expense of others.
But Jesus taught that unless we are
willing to lay down our life we will in the end lose it. This does
not infer that our life will be taken from us by God forcibly; rather
it means that by living in fear and selfishness leads us to make our
own existence a higher priority than others but will only bring us
destruction in the end. Sin is self-defeating by its own inherent
nature and in the end will self-destruct. All who refuse to be healed
and cleansed of this infection will find themselves trapped in the
destruction when sin finally caves in on itself.
The essence of sin is the exploitation
of vulnerability. This can be seen in both the exploitation of the
vulnerability of our first parents and again in the exploitation of
the willing vulnerability of our Savior at the cross. Jesus came to
reveal not only to us but to all the universe that vulnerability is
the only safe atmosphere in which God's eternal kingdom can be
secure. In fact, God made Himself vulnerable in the form of Jesus the
human Son of God – the very opposite of what Satan accused God of
being like. Anything less than living vulnerably destroys the
delicate climate, the ambience needed for agape love to thrive.
This is not to say that love cannot
exist unless there is full vulnerability in which it can thrive. But
it does demonstrate that for love to have its way in our own heart
and for it to transform us into reflecting perfectly the character of
the God who created us, we must make similar choices to what Jesus
did while here on earth to allow ourselves to become fully vulnerable
in order to enter into true life.
It seems counterintuitive to us to
imagine that vulnerability might lead toward a greater, more elevated
way of life. We have been preconditioned to believe that
vulnerability is a bad thing we should avoid. Vulnerability is
usually associated in our minds with pain and fear and shame, all
things we want to avoid. Jesus was no different in this respect and
He had to constantly choose between avoiding these things or choosing
the path of remaining vulnerable. In this way He was tempted in all
ways as we are, yet without sin. Sin means choosing the path of
self-protection at the expense of others when facing vulnerable
situations. Sin means taking things into our own hands when we fear
God is not coming through the way we want Him to to protect us or
preserve our lives or maintain our comfort.
Whatever is not of faith is sin. That
means that when we find ourselves in situations of vulnerability,
when we choose to turn away from trusting God to look for 'better'
solutions to save us, we have chosen to make another god a higher
priority than resting in God's love and care of us.
Possibly the biggest reason that people
turn away from following Jesus happens when they begin to realize
that it requires becoming more vulnerable. Most of us like many
things associated with being a Christian, the wonderful miracles of
deliverance and healing and learning cool things we didn't know
before. But when we begin to be aware that all of these things are
meant to lead us to trust God fully when we are faced with exploiters
bent on taking advantage of our vulnerabilities, and that very
possibly God just might allow them to do so, suddenly following the
path of Jesus into such danger becomes far less attractive.
Jesus faced that temptation too. We are
told that when faced with the horrendous potential of all the shame
and pain and humiliation and unimaginable suffering that the cross
would bring Him, Jesus had to choose between self-protection or going
through all He was facing knowing that God would not step in to
intervene or prevent any of the exploitation that He would suffer.
Only divine love has the power to take anyone into the face of
exploitation with all its attending negative emotions without being
diverted by the powerful urges of fallen sinful nature. It was in
this sense that Jesus took on our fallen sinful nature, for in taking
on sinful humanity He fully experienced all the urges for survival
and self-protection and the same desires to avoid being vulnerable
that we experience. What amplified the temptations was that Jesus had
to face all of this with full awareness that He had infinite
resources of power at His disposal beyond what any of us have ever
imagined, yet with this awareness He choose at all times to never
leverage His advantage to diminish His own vulnerability in the
I am starting to see clearly that
vulnerability is possibly at the root of the war between Christ and
Satan. Satan from the beginning operated on the premise that being
vulnerable is not a good thing and that the vulnerability of heaven
before sin was in fact a liability rather than a necessity and a
blessing. He was able to convince one third of the angels of this
idea, and the rest is the history of Satan's exploitation of both
heaven's vulnerabilities as well as those of this earth.
By plunging right into the heart of
Satan's kingdom of exploitation and choosing to make Himself fully
vulnerable to everything Satan could throw at Him, Jesus defeated and
disarmed the power that Satan's theories had created to deceive us
and frighten us away from embracing God's way of living in full
transparency and vulnerability. Jesus showed everyone that God's
original design for living in full vulnerability is the only way that
is safe even in the midst of sin and intimidation and fear. By doing
so Jesus exposed every argument and accusation of Satan to show the
superior power of living in love while trusting God to coordinate
everything for ultimate good.
Living vulnerable requires that we also
believe in the full extent of God's goodness and be set free of all
the insinuations about any dark side of God that Satan has implanted
into our minds. It will be impossible for us to trust God like Jesus
did unless we also embrace the truth about the non-violent, totally
selfless, purely loving and serving nature of God's character that is
free of any hint of exploitation or desire for revenge. As long as we
harbor any of the insinuations of Satan about a dark spot hidden
somewhere in God's character, we will shrink back from confidence
that God can be fully trusted even when our circumstances scream that
we must take self-preservation into our own hands.
Jesus was repeatedly threatened with
harm and death, not to mention shame, hunger and everything else that
tries to intimidate us from trusting God. Yet passing through all the
experiences that tempt us to distrust God and doubt His way of living
free and vulnerable, Jesus demonstrated to the extreme that God can
indeed be trusted even when He may allow us to suffer instead of
delivering us at times. By entrusting Himself to the only one who
judges fairly, Jesus showed us the narrow path to life that leads all
who follow it back to a kingdom where everyone lives joyfully
together in full vulnerability. For without complete vulnerability
love cannot fully dominate and there will always be a danger of the
reemergence of sin.
Just becoming aware of these things
creates tension in our minds even as we grapple with the implications
of what this means to us personally. This is the same dawning
awareness that drove the majority of disciples to turn away from
following Jesus when the things He began teaching exposed this part
of living in His kingdom. They were longing for a kingdom based on
force and power that would be potent enough to overwhelm their
enemies for the advantage of the Jews. But God's kingdom never
resorts to force, for to do so is to create a situation of
superiority to exploit another's relative weakness. Any use of force
to compel the will of anyone is a violation of heaven's principle of
freedom, and violating freedom is exploitation which is the essence
of sin. Therefore, when the Jews began to realize that Jesus was not
likely going to set up a kingdom like the ones we prefer here on
earth, but rather was introducing a kingdom where everyone would be
completely vulnerable in love, the attractions of following Him
suddenly turned sour in their hearts and their desire to prefer
living under the principles of force and power caused them to reject
the Prince of Peace.
Each one of us now faces a similar
choice. At first the kingdom of God seems attractive as we see all
the exciting benefits of living a life filled with joy and happiness
and peace. But as we begin to see that all of these things can only
thrive and flourish in the context of vulnerability, our lifelong
assumption that vulnerability is a bad thing begins to raise serious
doubts. Our fears of potential pain and shame if we choose to live
vulnerably blinds us to the greater glory of living in selfless love
as God lives, and so we too are tempted to choose the kingdom of
Satan over the kingdom of vulnerable love.
There are two competing principles at
war in the universe, and every person must come to choose which
principle will govern their own life and choices and relationships.
In the beginning it may appear they are not that different, but as we
begin to grasp the implications of the direction of each path it
becomes clear that either we must live vulnerable in love while
trusting God, or if we choose the opposite path we will sooner or
later sink into becoming full-blown exploiters, for this is the end
result of following the path of selfishness.
It is impossible for one to move toward
the kingdom of light and glory that is based on living vulnerably
while thinking we can avoid the suffering and shame that will come
from attacks by those choosing to remain in the kingdom of darkness
and selfishness. When sin is eompletely vanquished it will once again
be possible to live free of all pain, shame and death. But as long as
we live in the war zone where the two principles contend for our
allegiance, the kingdom of selfishness will compel those living under
its tyranny to resent, hate and persecute all who choose the path of
vulnerable love and non-violent peace. The only way we can
successfully navigate the path into God's kingdom is to believe in
the true non-violent nature of the God we follow. Only as we see God
as identical in character to the vulnerable Jesus who walked this
earth can we discover the confidence and strength to follow a similar
path that will lead us through similar suffering, humiliation and
possibly even death.
Yet through all of these things we are
more than conquerors as Paul exclaimed. This requires a complete
paradigm shift, a whole new perspective about reality, not just an
adjustment of religious beliefs or some behavior modification. We
need new hearts and new minds to connect us to the God who provides
everything we need to live in love and to overcome our fear of living
vulnerably. We must have the antidote to selfishness infused into our
very beings by the One who perfected that antidote when He walked
this earth as a human like us. He accomplished perfecting that
antidote by trusting His Father and making Himself fully vulnerable
all the way to the point of death on a cross.
There is no safety for one who has
merely a legal religion, a form of godliness. The Christian's life is
not a modification or improvement of the old, but a transformation of
nature. There is a death to self and sin, and a new life altogether.
This change can be brought about only by the effectual working of the
Holy Spirit. {DA 172}
What are some of the immediate
implications of this in my own life and church? How might embracing
this truth impact how we do evangelism? How much of our evangelism
techniques tend to exploit others instead of allowing ourselves to be
vulnerable? Interestingly it was Jesus' vulnerability that made Him
attractive to many of those drawn to follow Him, not flaunting
superiority of power or good looks or cunning skills. It was the fact
that He lived real, not fake like most of the other religious
leaders, that drew around Him low-life characters such as prostitutes
and drunkards to want to know Him better and discover what made Him
tick. Yet in reality, living real requires living vulnerably, which
is likely why those who were already feeling quite vulnerable felt He
could identify with them. On the other hand, those caught up with
religious obsessions saw Jesus as totally out of touch.
What will happen when we decide to be
vulnerable in our marriage relationships or with our children instead
of trying to always stay in control and trying to force our will on
others? Does this mean we should let our young children exploit our
weaknesses and not teach them self-control, maybe even through stern
measures at times? I recall that Jesus sometimes had to be very stern
and straight with those He dealt with, yet He never failed to
maintain love and compassion as His underlying attitude. He could
deal gently and yet very firmly with those who were wandering, but
living in love was always the paradigm that governed every action and
word and thought that came from Him.
The possibilities would be endless if
we allowed ourself to take these things seriously. But then isn't
that God's intention? Jesus promised that He would sent His Holy
Spirit to lead us into all truth. That means that the Spirit is given
to each one of us to lead us in real-time through choices and
situations we will face and prompt us as to the right way to view
things and to perceive heaven's way of successfully living in
vulnerable love while looking out for others welfare.
The New Testament is filled with
instructions and advice as to what this looks like. We are to
consider others better than ourselves, to submit to one another in
deference and love, to encourage and assist and even reprove and
admonish when necessary. But all of this is to be done in an
atmosphere of loving vulnerability where all may feel safe to confess
their faults and receive healing in the atmosphere of grace.
I believe that the early New Testament
believers shared a level of vulnerability in their tight community
not seen since sin entered the world. Filled with the Holy Ghost they
exhibited the characteristics and lifestyle of what the whole world
could be like if more chose to follow the ways of Jesus. By opening
up themselves fully to be vulnerable instead of hiding in fear or
defensiveness and self-protection, they discovered a life of real
freedom as they learned to all submit to each other and serve each
other in passion and joy. It was a life that seemed impossible, yet
as each person trusted in a saving, transforming connection to God
through their own dependence on Christ, they all were brought into
full unity of faith and love while experiencing a level of
vulnerability that made them attractive to all who longed for such an
atmosphere in which to heal and thrive.
Those who reject the idea of
vulnerability as heaven's way to live will be repulsed by such a
community and will see it as a threat. Indeed it is a threat to a
world governed by force and deception and intimidation, for it begins
to dissolve the very glue that holds the world together as it is
operated currently. Yet the kingdom of God that Jesus came to
initiate is the only realistic lifestyle that can outlast every
counterfeit and in the end it will be seen that living vulnerable in
love is the only way we can live fully satisfied, for this way of
life that is based on the template on which humans were made.
Sin has perverted and distorted and
abused God's original design for life, but Jesus came to restore us
back to perfect humanity and to salvage all who are willing to be
brought back into harmony with God's original design. Now it is up to
us individually as to whether we will embrace the ways of God which
also involves complete vulnerability and selfless love, or whether we
will cling to the counterfeit system of self-preservation at all
cost. Choose today who you will serve, whether God as revealed in
Jesus or some other philosophy that leads away from God and from
What can give us the courage to live
life vulnerably? That must be a topic for another exploration.
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