True Freedom
The LORD God commanded the man,
saying, "From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but
from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat,
for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die."
(Genesis 2:16-17)
Adam and Eve were created totally free.
I believe that for too long we have missed that point because of the
lies passed down generationally that have been infused into the human
psyche by their choice to exchange freedom for a bunch of empty
promises by the great exploiter. But in truth our first parents had
no restrictions whatsoever limiting their freedom up to that point.
Of course the question instantly
arises, “Didn't God restrict their freedom or at least inhibit it
when He threatened that if they ate of that one forbidden tree that
they were certain to die?” This seems like a legitimate question on
the surface, but upon closer examination it is seen as based on
faulty assumptions and misunderstanding of true freedom.
Embedded within this question are seeds
of doubt that can produce the fruit of rebellion within our own
hearts. In truth God's warning to Adam in no way was a restriction of
freedom. And more important to note, His warning was in no way
whatsoever a threat as so many have incorrectly assumed. As long as
we allow ourselves to believe that the death God was warning them
about in any way was going to be initiated by Him, we fall into the
very same trap of deception that caused our first parents to plunge
the entire human race into abject slavery to the great abuser.
God in no way was threatening our first
parents when He warned them of the dire consequences of choosing a
different source of life through an alternative way of living. Far
from it, God in His warning was doing everything possible within the
parameters of freedom to preserve their current state of complete
freedom and happiness. As long as they continued to live in simple
trust in their Father's heart and remained in harmony with the
principles of life which undergirded the smooth operation of all
creation, they were secure from being exploited by their cunning
enemy. The warning was for their protection, not to restrict their
freedom. God alerted Adam that He had provided everything they needed
and extravagantly more, but there was another being not far away who
did not have their best interest in mind but who was waiting in
stealth to steal everything they had been entrusted with and, if
given opportunity, would go so far as to even kill them.
(As an aside, it was the warning of
sure death from embracing another option other than the only source
of life that was at last fully demonstrated publicly in the death of
God's own Son. God's warning to Adam and Eve was exhibited by God
Himself on the cross as the sins of all humanity were allowed to
crush out His human life. He did this in order to reveal to the
watching universe the payment that sin will inflict on its victims so
that all would be motivated to choose to trust in God instead of
placing their trust in Satan's lies.)
How seldom do we view the warnings of
God as a protection for our freedoms. Because we have lived all our
life in a world permeated with false assumptions about God as being
the source of our problems and a threat to rob us of happiness, we
often view the words of God with presuppositions that He is the one
we need to be afraid of and who is the threat that must be avoided or
It was this inversion of how we
perceive God's heart toward us that plunged the entire human race
into darkness about what is really going on. And this darkness has
not yet lifted from our own hearts even though we like to claim that
we walk in the light today. This is true because as long as we harbor
any notion that the threat of death for sinning will be imposed on
the lost by an offended God, we still cling to at least some of the
lies that caused wickedness in the first place and this endangers our
own souls.
It is not bad behavior that brings us
under the curse of sin, contrary to the nearly universal belief of
all who live on this planet. Wrong behavior is merely a symptom of
the real problem hidden deep inside. Rather the true problem of sin
is in the infection of mind and heart brought about by the lies about
God's attitude towards us; that is what keeps us in darkness.
Clinging to these lies under a canopy
of religion only renders them more diabolical and insidious, which
means many of us are in far greater danger of remaining deceived than
many who have openly rejected God altogether. The open atheist and
unbeliever are quite often more honest in their reaction to lying
reports about God than are the highly religious, for at least they
think sensibly enough to see that what they have been heard about God
is inconsistent with the principles of life and truth they know
intuitively, and they cannot bring themselves to embrace such
"But what do you think? A man
had two sons, and he came to the first and said, 'Son, go work today
in the vineyard.' And he answered, 'I will not'; but afterward he
regretted it and went. The man came to the second and said the same
thing; and he answered, 'I will, sir'; but he did not go. Which of
the two did the will of his father?" They said, "The
first." Jesus said to them, "Truly I say to you that the
tax collectors and prostitutes will get into the kingdom of God
before you." (Matthew 21:28-31)
I am beginning to realize that those we
often label as open sinners or godless atheists may in fact be closer
to the kingdom of God than are many of us who are immersed in
religion. Religion has become one of the most potent methods of the
enemy to deceive us about God, for religion using the name of God too
often accomplishes the very same work that the serpent did with Eve.
Someone recently pointed out that what
we find happening in this encounter between Eve and the serpent in
the garden was the conducting of the very first seminary. There we
find the first exegesis on God and a teaching experience about
theology which in turn produced the first sermon appeal ever given –
delivered by Eve to her husband. (But lest we jump to evil surmising
and assume this is further proof that women should be subjected into
inferior positions within the church, remember that it was Adam who
was given the original explicit instructions about the tree before
Eve had even come into existence. Therefore Adam was really the one
who bore the greatest responsibility of guilt for both their choices
because he chose to sin with a clear understanding of what was going
on while Eve had been exploited through deception and seduction.)
What is striking about this discourse
with a snake is something often overlooked when we read this story.
But let me try to bring it out with an illustration.
A number of years ago I went home to
visit with my dad and stepmother. Since this was my stepmother that
my dad had married when I was around 16 after I had been gone from
home for several years, she did not know me that well.
My relationship with my dad at that
time was not the most congenial, though we could get along
superficially most of the time. But there were things about me that
troubled them, like the length of my hair, my having a beard and
other things that just didn't fit their preferences. An incident
happened one day that I found extremely unusual and made me feel very
My parents and I were sitting around
their dining room table and the conversation turned to some of the
things they viewed as faults of mine. But this time instead of
looking at me or speaking directly to me, they began discussing me
with each other while acting as if I were not anywhere around. I'm
not sure I had ever experienced something like this before, and I
didn't know quite how to react. Here I was, sitting right in front of
two people talking to each other about me all the while
pretending that I didn't hear or was not even present.
Transfer that awkward situation to what
happened in the garden long ago, for Eve was having a conversation
with a snake about God while acting as if God was nowhere
around and could not hear the discussion. But that is really quite
strange, for He was right there and present all the time. Even though
unseen, God was not far off in heaven but was present everywhere with
complete awareness of anything and everything being said. Yet Eve
seemed to forget that God was available in real time, so instead of
taking the disturbing, insinuating assertions of this strange
intruder who was challenging the words of God and turning them over
immediately to God who was quite available to participate in the
discussion, she presumed to try to handle the conversation on her
own. Of course the results were worse than tragic, but it all could
have come out very differently if she, or even Adam, would have
chosen to bring God into the conversation.
How many times do we attempt to defend
God without letting Him become directly involved in the conversation?
Do we fall into the same trap of thinking that we know enough about
God to speak on His behalf without first checking with Him before
offering our opinion? We might learn a vitally important lesson from
this tragic encounter of Eve that it is never safe to dialog with
God's enemies without first allowing Him to have the first word. This
is why Jesus told us He was making His Spirit available to us – for
the express purpose of letting God take the lead in revealing the
truth about Himself instead of leaving it up to us. It didn't work
with Eve and it will never work with any of us. Only as we learn to
be totally dependent on God's Spirit and simply make ourselves an
available channel of His grace can we see victories that would
otherwise turn into catastrophes.
One of the most important issues that
must not be missed in this story is identifying correctly the real
source of the threat that God had warned them about. What was the
real reason for their loss of freedom? Was the curse that
subsequently fell on the world an artificial imposition of punishment
by God for disobeying His command? Or is the deeper truth behind this
story related to a natural principle that was violated? By abusing
their freedom and choosing to embrace lies about their Creator, both
Adam and Eve voluntarily forfeited their dominion over everything
they had been given with the entire planet, to a sinister con artist
who immediately kidnapped their minds and bound them as his slaves,
stripping them of all their privileges and freedoms. Except for the
intervening grace of God our first parents would have seen their last
day of existence that very day.
For too long we have assumed that it
was God who stripped away their freedom and imposed punishments
against that first couple for disobeying His explicit command. But
this mistaken notion about the cause of the curses is simply part of
the confusion that we continue to have as a result of the obscuring
of the face of God in our minds. Because we still have not been
restored to a true knowledge of God and the real light of truth about
Him that was lost there in the garden, we continue to parrot false
assertions about Him received from the great deceiver, that sinister
abuser who seduced us into thinking that God is our obstacle to
freedom, not sin.
Until we move beyond our simplistic
definitions of sin as just breaking rules, we can never mature enough
to see the more sinister nature of how sin itself is the actual
threat to us rather than God. As long as we insist on defining sin
primarily as broken rules requiring punishment, we will agree with
the great accuser who was the first to trot out this argument.
In the opening of
the great controversy, Satan had declared that the law of God could
not be obeyed, that justice was inconsistent with mercy, and that,
should the law be broken, it would be impossible for the sinner to be
pardoned. Every sin must meet its punishment, urged
Satan; and if God should remit the punishment of sin, He
would not be a God of truth and justice. When men broke the law of
God, and defied His will, Satan exulted. It was proved, he declared,
that the law could not be obeyed; man could not be forgiven. Because
he, after his rebellion, had been banished from heaven, Satan claimed
that the human race must be forever shut out from God's favor. God
could not be just, he urged, and yet show mercy to the sinner. {DA
This paragraph not only reveals that
punishment for sin was Satan's idea originally, but it also exposes
where our mistaken assumptions about justice came from. The idea that
justice is defined in terms of rewards and/or punishments is all
wrapped up in the symbology of the tree from which our first parents
ate and became enslaved to fear, losing a correct view of God. True
justice is not about punishing people for wrongs committed but rather
with restoring things back to their proper function and design. This
is what is called restorative justice as opposed to the
counterfeit version so widely embraced today called punitive
Something else is seen here that is
important to note. It is very easy to get drawn into the trap of
denying obviously false information while missing a subtle
assumption. By masking an insinuating lie with an obvious one, the
enemy gets us to buy into a hidden assumption and thus catches us
with his subtle logic just by engaging in the discussion. This is the
technique that the serpent successfully employed with Eve. In our
case the subtle assumption we buy into is that God must inflict
punishment for every sin committed. This is one of the most tenacious
assertions of the enemy that has become one of the most fundamental
assumptions of nearly every religion on earth including Christianity.
This supplanting definition of justice so widely accepted is seen in
the above quotation where Satan insists that to be just God must
punish the disobedient.
This diversionary tactic is one of the
most subtle skills of the enemy, for by putting forward an obvious
untruth to instantly rivet our attention, a most subtle insinuation
can be embedded within it that we completely overlook. This is the
primary technique used by magicians, to draw our attention in one
direction while we miss what is happening somewhere else. Yet it is
in the subtle insinuation where the poison lies, for in seeking to
refute the blatant lie we inadvertently embrace the hidden logic that
was obscured by the diversion.
Notice this technique in the words of
the serpent to Eve. There is the obvious lie that is designed to
focus her attention and get her to engage with him. But the subtle
insinuation is filled with all sorts of implications about a God who
is not trustworthy, the real poison hidden within the question.
Now the serpent was more crafty than
any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to
the woman, "Indeed, has God said, 'You shall not eat from any
tree of the garden'?" (Genesis 3:1)
Crafty is almost an extreme
understatement. Humans are no match for the extremely superb skills
of the most brilliant brain ever created. This is exactly why God did
not provide Adam and Eve with all the information and arguments to
refute the logic of the enemy. God knew that they were not prepared
to face off with the most devious mind in the universe, so to retain
their happiness and freedom and even their lives, God simply warned
them to stay away from interacting in any way with the enemy. And to
help protect their freedom He restricted access of the tempter to
only one spot in the entire world. At the same time this provided
them freedom to choose whether or not they would be loyal to their
heavenly family or whether they would reject their Creator in favor
of another master.
Without the freedom to be disloyal
there is no real freedom at all. But likewise, without freedom from
threats by God of reprisals for turning away from Him, there would
still be no real freedom.
God's warning to them should in no way
be construed to imply that the resulting evil and death would be
initiated by God Himself. To imply that or even infer it is to
support the lies of the evil one and to continue to promote dark
views of how God feels toward us.
Paul later explicitly spelled out the
origin of death, yet we still seem to miss the point.
For the wages of sin
is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus
our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
This is an exact parallel to what we
find happening in the Garden of Eden. There is seen two options, one
called a Tree of Life which parallels Paul's reference to the gift of
God, and the other the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that
represents the entire competing system of reward, punishment and
judgment between the two as invented by God's enemy. When you place
these two passages side by side it becomes clear that death comes
only from sin which comes from the tree of knowledge/judgment, not
from the other tree. (Knowing good and evil results in condemnation,
not from God from from internal dissonance.)
It is never God who takes away our
freedom but rather God's enemy who robs us of the truth about God,
thus incapacitating us from being able to trust Him with our heart.
As long as we hold to God's unaffected love and His complete absence
of any threats to enforce our obedience, we can enjoy the freedom of
living in the light of eternal life. But when we are infected with
lies about God's attitude towards sinners and think there must be a
mixture of fear along with enticements of rewards to get us to obey
Him, we are still indulging from the tree that brings death and
remain unfitted to live in the intense presence of pure Life alone.
In summary, God's warning to Adam was
simply an alert as to how to remain completely free and in joyful
intimacy with their Creator. As long as we believe that the death
warned about by God was in no way threatened to originate from Him,
we too can live in true freedom and begin to know His rest.
We are living in the last days of the
battle involving lies about God, and there is a fresh explosion of
light as the real truth about God lost in Eden is about to engulf our
entire planet. After these things I saw another angel coming down
from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was
illumined with his glory. (Revelation 18:1) I have
come to believe that this glory that will illuminate our entire
planet is the breaking open of the truth about the singularity of
God's character of love in sharp contrast to the many deceptive
opinions about God promoted by religion.
The last rays of
merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the
world, is a revelation of His character of love. The children
of God are to manifest His glory. In their own life and
character they are to reveal what the grace of God has done for them.
{COL 415}
I am set free to follow God's ways and
live in harmony with His methods when I am born again – a
restoration recovering me from the death my first parents brought
into this world.
I am also free to continue to believe
lies about God and reject the glory of the truth about Him that is
beginning to flood this world in our day. But like what happened to
Eve and then Adam, if I exercise my freedom by embracing lies about
God instead of trusting His love, I vacate the very freedom provided
to me at such enormous cost by the Son of God on the cross.
It was for freedom that Christ set
us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to
a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1)
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