The End of Hierarchy
I will hold
back nothing in order to earn your love for Me.
But I will
never even hint that you must earn My love for you.
This was the quiet whisper that I felt
God saying to me recently. And it brought to mind vividly one of the
biggest obstacles that has remained stuck in my own heart for many
years preventing it from believing and embracing the unconditional,
unrelenting, persistent love that God wants so much for me to
experience. It is the subtle notion that in some way, either small or
large, I must to some degree earn or do something to deserve whatever
I receive, and that includes love and affirmation and even value.
This attitude of needing to earn
everything saturates nearly everything we do in societies on this
planet. Philosophers have labeled it various ways but the underlying
principle is rooted in the idea of a necessary balance between good
and evil, yin and yang, light and darkness. It also includes very
strong belief in the whole system of rewards and punishments
insisting that every good deed must be rewarded and every wrong
committed must be duly punished or justice has not been served. Hence
the popular visible symbol of justice as a pair of scales to measure
out this balance.
Yet this whole earning/deserving
mentality was actually an invention of an enemy of truth and began to
create trouble from the first time it was introduced into the
universe. This thinking is at the root of the hierarchy system that
has stratified, segregated and devastated the perfect unity that used
to exist in the universal family before sin came in. But God has
provided a way to restore all things back to the basis of love where
there will no longer be any notion of superiority, where everyone not
only sees each other as equally loved and important but where those
issues are no longer even thought about.
Hierarchy itself has decimated the
harmony of the universe and especially on this broken planet. It has
imposed an artificial system of value that has displaced from our
hearts the original awareness that each one of us is infinitely
valuable simply because God created us. Now we have substituted His
love as the basis of why we exist for any number of cheap substitutes
for love that leave us hungry, empty and craving for something better
than fleeting pleasure that only leaves us dissatisfied.
God sent His Son to put on display what
a real human was originally designed to be. Then He allowed Him to be
fully exposed to the whole false system based on power in order to
expose the fallacy of all the claims and accusations that have kept
that system in place through the power of fear. God then set us free
from our slavery to the empty gods that offer all sorts of rewards
and/or threaten all sorts of recriminations and punishments if we do
not tow the line and keep them appeased.
When Jesus' perfect example of love
clashed with the arrayed forces of evil, the showdown resulted in
exposing the bankruptcy of every counterfeit system and revealed the
truth that love really can win over fear, force, shame and deception.
He overcame by loving everyone no matter how badly they treated Him,
shamed Him, tortured Him or slandered Him. By showing that true love
cannot be suppressed even in the slightest degree and that the entire
system based on deserving, earning, rewards and punishments is
entirely artificial and invalid, He showed us the path back to living
once again in the perfect harmony, joy and peace of heaven.
For the kingdom of God is not eating
and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
(Romans 14:17)
But in the meantime God has been forced
to meet us where we are, steeped in our mentality of earning and
deserving, fear and hope, artificial law and the notion of a need for
balance between good and evil. He has never endorsed that system but
often He appears to in order to get us to listen to Him so that He
could lead us out of darkness into the much greater light of the real
truth about His kingdom based purely on love and love alone.
This counterfeit system keeps leading
us to exchange liberty for supposed security and superiority. But it
is always a lie, a trick and we fall for it. Instantly we are again
subjugated even deeper into the slavery of fear – fear of death,
fear of punishment, fear of loss, fear of shame, fear of abandonment,
and worst of all, fear that we now have to in some way earn God's
love before we can be accepted by Him.
Because every generation since Adam has
been enslaved by the fear produced by the lies about Him that got
into our very DNA, He has been working to uncover those lies and to
reveal the truth about Him and how He operates and especially how He
really feels about all of His children whether they give a hoot about
Him or not. As long as we allow the lies of His enemy to infect our
thinking about His thinking about us, it is unsafe to be exposed very
much to the intensity of His presence of love lest it so overwhelm us
with its potency that our resistance to it causes fatal
short-circuits in our very being.
So God dramatically dimmed down His
intensity by veiling it through becoming a human so that we could
relate to Him. He funneled His intense love through that human so
potently that it still seemed completely foreign to us. But after a
while a few people caught wind of what He was trying to show them and
opened themselves up to allow God to pour His passionate love through
them which started a chain reaction of people falling in love with
the most passionate Lover in the universe.
Sadly it was not too many years later
that the enemy was able to dilute the pure testimony of His witnesses
and began to infect His loyal children with notions, practices and
traditions of the counterfeit system until the entire rescue
operation His Son had launched on this planet became pretty much
hijacked. The enemy subtly took over control of His group of
believers by distorting everything Jesus had done and taught turning
them into superficial forms and traditions that once again conveyed
false messages about God's heart to the world now even worse than
what had happened before.
But love is always stronger than lies
and God will prove that before the watching universe. God is now
moving in the hearts of millions of people who are being softened by
the increasing light of the real truth about His gentleness,
kindness, unconditional forgiveness and passionate love as He
prepares them to be effective conduits for Him similar to the way He
used His Son while He was on earth. As more people once again reflect
the true glory of who God really is, the effects will be polarizing
and will propel the world toward the end of the reign of darkness.
Events will culminate once again producing another showdown of the
forces of darkness, superstition and lies about God contrasted with
God's ambassadors of light who are set ablaze with God's pure holy
passion and irrepressible love.
As this showdown approaches and God's
Spirit gathers those who are willing to be led together in unity, the
most surprising aspect of this unity will be the discovery that there
will be no need for hierarchal structure to maintain order, no
authoritarian system relying on fear of punishment or enticements for
reward to maintain cohesiveness in the body. What will be
demonstrated is what the enemy has insisted is impossible – a
tight-knit family unity of believers individually accountable
directly to Christ as their only head while relating with each other
in complete humility and deference.
This highly unusual arrangement will
decimate the arguments of God's opponents who have long insisted that
you must operate a government relying on the age-old system of
stratified hierarchy. The distortions that have prevented the world
from seeing how love can really be the only bond holding a family
together will be exposed by God's faithful, passionate children as
they rely continuously on only His Spirit and allow His Spirit alone
to coordinate everything without human intervention.
Contrary to what many assume, this is
the same as what occurred in the days after Pentecost long ago when
God's Spirit assumed full control of His body of believers. The
effect of the intense atmosphere of love that saturated each one of
them was so powerful that within a few years their enemies declared
they had turned the whole world upside down. That was an accurate
analysis, for the methods and relationships of God's people who
embrace His ways are upside down and backwards to how we naturally
think things must be organized.
The reality is that sin originally
turned our world upside when our first parents lost dominion and gave
authority over to the sneaky snake. Sin turned God's original design
for this earth upside down to begin with, so the early believers were
only reverting what had been inverted previously. Jesus came to
recapture both the lost authority our first parents had relinquished
as well as to capture the hearts of all who would be willing to let
Him love and restore them. He came to set up a kingdom completely
unlike any other kingdom of this world. Yet we still struggle to
comprehend just how radically different that kingdom really is from
all the others we have known.
Then the end will come, when he
hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has
destroyed all dominion, authority and power. For he must
reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.
The last enemy to be destroyed is death. (1 Corinthians 15:24-26
Destroyed in my opinion is not the best
choice for the translation from the original word in Greek. I believe
after examining that word that the term neutralized would be
more more expressive of the intent of God for what needs to take
place as being described in this passage. What I believe can be found
in this passage is a window into what God intends to do about the
entire counterfeit system of darkness – He intends to neutralize it
using only truth and love, not to attack it using any of the methods
promoted within that false system. To resort to using any of Satan's
methods to overcome that kingdom would only produce the opposite
effect; it would strengthen the dark side because doing so would
validate Satan's claim that his weapons are indispensable and that
sooner or later even God will be forced to resort to admitting that
and resort to using them.
But God is not going to give Satan the
upper hand at any point by switching to Satan's methods to overcome
evil. Jesus made this abundantly clear at the cross when He was
tempted to the extreme to tap into His ability to access infinite
power to save Himself or others from harm. Jesus came to display the
core truth that God is not at all like Satan or like anything His
other enemies have made Him out to be. He operates strictly within
His principles of love, truth and grace and refuses to use any other
means to accomplish His purposes. Furthermore, God will prove in the
end, as Paul points out here, that His methods and principles are
superior to any of the assertions or methods of His enemy and that
love can win over every system based on hierarchy, counter every
method of coercion, defeat all reliance on deception of any sort and
win over everything that relies on fear to prop it up. This includes
ultimately defeating the greatest enemy of all – death itself, the
power behind all fear.
Jesus Christ is God's appointed front
man to accomplish all of this by relying on love and love alone to
neutralize all of these other forces. It does so by simply exposing
them in contrast to the real truth that was obscured by these false
methods and ideas in the first place. God will never resort to
relying on force to neutralize force, for that would only vindicate
Satan's assertion that force is required to counter force – part of
the philosophy of every fallen system of darkness. Jesus made
explicitly clear during the last hours of his earthly life that He
will not change this stance at any cost. And He will stick with the
methods He used while on this earth and will consistently demonstrate
them every time He shows up again without variance. He will keep
doing so until the methods unveiled while He lived among us as a
human fully expose and neutralize all of the accusations of His enemy
and He wins the respect of the entire universe.
God is love.
Perfect love casts out all fear.
Fear has to do with punishment, so
clearly God is not in the punishing business for He is perfect love.
God does not resort to force to
overwhelm our freedom to choose whether or not to respond favorably
to His love for us. If He were ever to do that even in the slightest,
the freedom essential for true love to even exist would be
contaminated and our ability to love Him freely would be instantly
morphed into something other than agape love. This is why it is so
vital for us to appreciate the pure nature of God's agape love and
stop inserting our false ideas into how we think God relates to those
who oppose Him.
Through the consistent demonstration of
the principle of love alone in the person Jesus Christ, all false
systems, ideas, assertions, accusations and methods will be exposed
for the frauds that they are and every being in the entire universe
will come to the place where they freely acknowledge that God's ways
are true and fair (just). They will acknowledge that because of His
consistency throughout the entire struggle to rely on love alone as
His only method of overcoming evil, He is worthy of all worship,
honor, praise and respect. This is the message unveiled in the book
of Revelation that has been largely lost because we read it still
with dark views about God that still infects our thinking.
Paul is telling us here that there is
coming an end to not just the hierarchy of Satan's dominion over this
earth but an end to the use of hierarchy entirely anywhere in the
universe. Hierarchy is itself a counterfeit of God's order of things
designed into creation. The original concepts imitated by the
counterfeit of hierarchy are the stages of maturity that all growing
things pass through as they increase in size and capacity. Hierarchy
also imitates God's arrangement for variation of function in His
family system where everyone receives to give but also adds a flair
of uniqueness and personality that creates variety, sparkle and joy
to everything.
Hierarchy, false concepts of authority,
distorted notions about dominion – all of these counterfeit
practices that we now take for granted in this world saturated by
false ideas about God will all at last be exposed as the counterfeits
they are as the truth about how God does things shines clearly in the
brilliant light of His glory that will cover the whole earth. This is
God's plan of how evil will be overcome, not through fighting fire
with fire, violence with greater violence, but through love alone.
Beloved, never avenge yourselves,
but leave room for the wrath of God; for it is written, "Vengeance
is mine, I will repay, says the Lord." No, "if your enemies
are hungry, feed them; if they are thirsty, give them something to
drink; for by doing this you will heap burning coals on their heads."
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
(Romans 12:19-21 NRSV)
In case you may have missed it, God's
kind of wrath or vengeance is described within this passage itself.
God does not return evil for evil like we have long assumed He will
do; rather Jesus made it clear that God's vengeance is accomplished
through the revealing of His kindness, graciousness and unconditional
forgiveness toward His enemies. This kind of treatment actually turns
out to be the most painful experience His enemies could ever
encounter, for heaping forgiveness, kindness and love on those who
hate you and abuse you exposes them to a light that reveals their own
vileness to themselves and everyone around them.
An analogy that comes to me is that
this is something like using a mirror to intercept a laser beam
intended to kill someone causing that deadly laser to be reflected
back to its source resulting in its own destruction. Yet such a
mirror does not originate the deadly laser but simply exposes it and
defeats its intended purpose.
As we become transformed into clear
mirrors of the truth about the God we are coming to know, the God who
is only righteousness, merciful, fair, kind and purely loving all the
time, our mirrors will act to expose the weapons lurking in the
darkness and they will be seen as false, dangerous and deadly. Yet we
do not reflect evil for evil using our mirrors but rather we are to
reflect to our enemies the light of the true glory of God, His true
character as revealed through our lives.
As God's light shines through us it
exposes what is lurking in the darkness and it also reacts within
those holding to the principles of darkness causing them to
experience enormous discomfort. This places them in a position where
they feel compelled to choose whether to switch sides and move over
to the kingdom of light or whether they will make permanent their
resistance to love and fight against the light. Those who choose to
switch to the family of light will be transformed by it to also
become conduits and reflectors of light while those who choose to
sear their conscience through choices to reject the truth in the
light amass within themselves permanent resistors that will prove
fatal when the full current of love is unleashed in the day of
revelation and judgment.
This is the day Paul is referring to in
this passage. It is the final culmination point when the full extent
of every counterfeit system becomes fully exposed as being false and
untenable before the clear vision of every being everywhere. This
finale and conclusion of the great war requires that every person who
has ever lived must be brought to life and all be alive at the same
time. Because each one must see the issues clearly and with no duress
each must come to the point where they willingly agree that God's
methods have always been fair and every excuse for anything deviating
from love is fully neutralized.
Only in this way can every lingering
doubt and question be forever eliminated from the minds of every
creature throughout the universe. In this way God's kingdom will be
established on complete freedom, not because anyone fears retaliation
from crossing His will but because it finally has been fully seen
that the natural consequences of violating the principles upon which
all of reality is built can only end in misery and death. And all of
this must take place within the atmosphere of the total freedom of
each one to choose with no threat of retaliation on the part of the
One who designed it all.
When death is seen as only resulting
from rebellion against Life and is a natural consequence of sin, not
imposed by God, then death itself will be finally neutralized and the
entire universe will forever be completely free of any residual
element of fear. Perfect love will eliminate all trace of fear for
fear can have no part in securing God's kingdom. Only love and love
alone will be the motive of all who will thrive in the presence of
the Lamb who Himself demonstrated that love is enough to overcome
every other force and can neutralize the power of every dominion,
authority and power, even death
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