There were two trees in the Garden. One
was called the Tree of Life. But what about the other one?
We are told that it was labeled the
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Quite a lengthy, complicated
name wouldn't you think? But that is exactly what it was intended to
be – complicated, confusing, even misleading.
I've been thinking more about that tree
lately and something occurred to me, something in the way that
serpent who hung out in that tree talked about the God who didn't
want our parents to participate or have anything to do with that tree
or its serpent. Do you remember the very first thing that came out of
his liberated tongue?
Now the serpent was more crafty than
any other wild animal that the LORD God had made. He said to the
woman, "Did God say, 'You shall not eat from any tree in the
garden'?" (Genesis 3:1)
Now before we get caught in the fast
track of explaining what we think was going on here or how it all
went wrong, simply think about the implications and psychology behind
why he might say this.
First of all it was clearly intended to
be blatantly false which in turn he planned for Eve to react by
attempting to correct his misinformation. Maybe she assumed he was
ill-informed, which of course was not at all the case. But there is
no doubt that the way in which this question was framed was something
akin to a sting operation, a loaded question meant to avoid detection
of the real purpose for the conversation.
So, let's just take it at face value
and see what a simple, unaffected, pure mind might be led to assume
given such a question. Eve knew that God had told them plainly that
they could eat from all the trees of the garden freely, all except
from this particular one. That meant that they had an amazing variety
of choices from which to select anytime they might feel like eating.
It is important to place ourselves into that spot in the sequence of
the story to gain vital insight into why the serpent selected the
words that he did to seduce Eve into confusion and distrust of God.
Very likely Eve was not standing there
gazing at this tree because she was particularly hungry and couldn't
find anything to eat. We don't know what she was doing there but it
most likely wasn't to find better food. All of the fruits from in
direction one might look was tantalizing, tasty and most likely ripe
and delicious. The word that comes to mind that might best describe
what they enjoyed is the word 'choices.'
Yes, that's it! Choices! Adam and Eve
had more choices for mealtime than possibly anyone has ever had since
the creation of the world. I wish I could taste some of those options
and see what some of that fruit looked like, smelled like, even felt
like. All of it was probably very nutritious, and with such an
amazing variety one would never suffer from malnutrition or disease
due to nutritional deficiencies. And on top of all that the Tree of
Life was apparently right next door to where she was standing,
possibly within sight or maybe even within reach.
Now there is a curious
comparison to take into account as well. The tree she was curious
about, that tree that they had been warned to not eat from, was a
tree with a name that implied more choices than simply one word like
the name of other tree. Maybe it was intended to make the Tree of
Life look boring in comparison. Maybe Life is just to simplistic a
name to compete with a much classier name like this tree sported. The
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Now that had nearly endless
possibilities to elicit wonder, to ponder over, to arouse curiosity
and contemplation. Hey, that's exactly what Eve was doing as she
stood there in front of that tree. She was curious, maybe even a
little nervous, though at this point she knew nothing about fear yet.
That would come soon enough though.
But consider again the words of
introduction offered by the occupant of this tree. “God says you
can't eat from any tree anywhere? How sad. How tragic even! He must
be awfully stingy to fill a garden full of such tempting trees
weighed down with attractive fruits and then forbid you from enjoying
anything that might make you feel good. Why, with a God like that in
charge of your life, it will not be long before you are crawling
around looking for grubs to eat or trying to eat grass or whatever
you can find other than delicious fruit.”
Did the serpent say all of those
things? Well, think about it, all of these ideas and much more are
readily implied in the way his initial question was calculated to
come across. In short, “my tree offers you genuine choice allowing
you freedom to do what you wish, while apparently God refuses
to allow you complete freedom by forbidding you to think for yourself
or evaluate independently whether or not this tree is as bad as He
makes it out to be.
“My tree offers you real choice while
the other tree and the God you depend on by eating from that tree,
offer one thing and one thing only. Now how in the world can you ever
be truly free to choose if the only other important tree in the
garden has just one name? My tree offers you access to infinite
knowledge, something vital if you are ever to learn how to really
distinguish between what is good for you and what is not. This is the
tree of choice, not just boring Life only. How will you ever know if
what I am telling you isn't true if you are not allowed to check it
out for yourself? Is God threatening you with severe punishment if
you go crosswise to His wishes? If so, how does it feel to live under
such chaffing control? Why, maybe He is such a demanding deity that
He really won't let you eat of anything anywhere unless He personally
hands it to you and gives you permission to ingest it.”
So there we have it. Two trees in a
massive garden full of other trees heavy with luscious fruit. But the
two core trees have everything to do with what version of God you
will choose to embrace, “a God who offers only life and life alone,
or a god who offers you endless variety of choices on a broad
spectrum ranging from fabulously exciting to... well, you don't even
know anything about evil yet. So what's holding you back from gaining
a little personal knowledge to decide for yourself what is in your
best interest? That's what I am offering you here, not death, but
rather enhanced knowledge and freedom to choose between options,
unlike that other tree offers you.”
So maybe this tree might also be seen
as The Tree of Choice. And this in contrast to The Tree of Life.
Choice versus Life. Now where have I
heard than somewhere recently? Well, maybe that is an unrelated
topic, or is it?
Never mind Eve that God said if you eat
from this tree of Knowledge that death will follow, not only for you
but for your as yet unborn children as well. In fact, it will not be
long after you eat from this tree that your descendants will make it
a matter of policy and frame it as an issue of freedom for women just
like you to be able to choose for themselves if they want to kill
their own unborn children. Choice, that's it! Choice. This is the
tree of freedom of choice, where anyone is allowed to indulge in both
good and evil and learn firsthand what they want to embrace without
any interfering, meddling God messing in their affairs. You don't
really want to continue to live under the restrictions of that other
system, do you? They call that just Life. Choice versus Life. Which
do you choose?
Well, she chose choice. And the rest,
as they say, is history.
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